Select the POP-UPMENU tab to create a custom menu and define functions that will appear in the menu.
Select a button function to add | Displays functions that have been added to the Pop-up |
to the Pop-up Menu. | Menu. To change the order of an item, drag it to a new |
| | | location. Double-click on an item to make edits. |
| | |
| | | |
Removes the selected
Pop-up Menu item.
Sets the FONT and
FONT SIZE of the
Pop-up Menu.
Returns the tab settings to the default values.
Important: This action will delete all Pop-up Menu items that have been defined.
To display the Pop-up Menu, set an ExpressKey or pen button to the POP-UPMENU function. When you press that button, the Pop-up Menu is displayed at the screen cursor position.
Click to choose options in the menu.To close the Pop-up Menu without making a selection, click outside of the menu.ContentsIndex