Display Toggle is available when working on multiple monitor systems. This feature allows you to work with your tablet on all displays or on one display at a time. See working with multiple monitors.
After setting an ExpressKey to DISPLAY TOGGLE, you can then press that button to sequentially toggle the current tablet mapping between a base mapping (the current setting from the PEN MODE DETAILS dialog) and other monitors. For example:
1. The entire display area of a is set up for extended mode and assigned to the
active area of the Bamboo tablet.
2. Pressing an ExpressKey to which the DISPLAY TOGGLE function has been assigned toggles the tablet mapping to the next display in sequence.
All monitors are selected in the toggle sequence.
• The base mapping is the tablet and display mapping defined in the PEN MODE DETAILS dialog. By default, this includes all monitors unless you have defined a specific monitor as your primary monitor.
•As you toggle to the next monitor, the active tablet area is mapped to that monitor (in pen mode).
• Toggling one more time after the last selected monitor returns the system to the base mapping.
Any of the following actions will return the toggle sequence to the base mapping:
• Launching a graphics application that supports pressure sensitivity.
• Logging out of or rebooting the system.
• Switching users (Fast User Switching).
• Placing the system in sleep mode.
•Changing the PEN MODE DETAILS settings.
•Changing the resolution or number of displays on your
• Using the MODE TOGGLE... function.
• Selecting PEN MODE or MOUSE MODE from the