Solutions if Experiencing Spray Issues
Common Solutions to Spraying Issues
Keep material flowing smoothly while spraying
Straining material when loading hopper helps minimize clogging
If experiencing issues with spray patterns or if material isn’t flowing smoothly follow instructions to clear the following:
Spray Tip
If using thicker material the tip may become clogged. Follow Clear the Spray Tip Instructions on page 13
Spray Tip |
Inlet Filter
The inlet filter located in the hopper is more likely to clog with thick material or if something like a leaf gets in the hopper, follow Clean the Inlet Filter instructions on page 14
Inlet Filter |
Spray Gun Filter
When using thicker material the filter may become clogged follow Clean the Spray Gun Filter instructions on page 15
If material isn’t flowing properly after clearing these things see additional instructions in the Fix Spraying Problems section
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Solutions if Experiencing Spray Issues • While You Are Spraying |
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