3.1.2. SetUpTX) Switch Bank 2
The bank of DIP switches located closest to the front panel are used to select the Prefix Code character and set the parity. Prefix Code (Sw1 - Sw7)
As mentioned previously, the Prefix Code informs the unit that the next character will be a command. The Prefix code can be any ASCII character. However, since it is passed on to the connected device, it is recommended to use a
^HI@ABCFGJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^DEV (ControlPrefixCode(Name)(ESBEL)DCACKNKNUVT(SI)EM)CR)SOGRBS)ULFLFNQYNUSCAN)TBLE)F)S)B)H)1234. Please refer1234567Nto the Nfollowing tableNSwitchhenON(Bankselecting2)ONa Prefix Code.
Factory Setting = ^V