3.) If step two doesn’t work, connect your computer to another external CRT. If your computer functions properly with a CRT display but it does not function with your LCD display, and the LCD display’s power LED is blinking, the output timing of the computer’s VGA card may be out of synchronous range to your LCD display. Change to one of the alternate modes listed in Appendix B or replace the VGA card and repeat steps 1 and 2.
4.) Shut off your computer and restart Microsoft Windows. (For older computers you may have to boot in Sfe Mode.) Adjust the Display Settings to match the resolution and timing of this disi- play (1024x768,60 Hz). Reboot.
5.) If the power LED is not lit, check the AC power connector to make sure it is securely connected. Verify that the LED on the AC adapter is lit. If the AC adapter LED is not lit, please contact your dealer for assistance.
For use only with the power supplies shown here:
Li Shin / 0218B1260