Plastic drain hose is shown. Some washers may have a rubber drain hose.

Tuyau d’kacuation en plastique illustrb. Ccrtaines laveuses

peUVent aVOir un NyaU

d’ivacuation en caoutchouc.

Continued from page 3

Suite de la page 3

Laundry tub drain system:

Sysdme de vidange dans I’Cvier de buanderie :

Needsa 76-liter (20-gallon) laundrytub.

Unevierde76 litres (20 gal.) estnecessaire.

Top of tub mustbeat least86 cm (34 inches)high andno higher

LehautdeI’Cvierdoit &tresituea au moms86 cm (34 po) au-

than 183cm (72 inches)from bottomofwasher (A).

dessusdu sol et apasplus de 183cm (72 po) du fond de la



Floor drain system:

Sysdme d’kvacuation au plancher :

Requiresa siphonbreak,PartNo.285320(B). Siphonbreak

L’emploid’un brise-siphon,pieceno 285320(B) estn&es&e.

mustbeabovehigh-waterlevelin washer,at least

Lebrise-siphondoit &treau-dessusdu niveaule plus Clevede

71 cm (28 inches)from bottomof washer.Additionaldrain hose

I’eaudartsla laveuse,au moinsa 71 cm

will beneeded.Seecharton Page3.

(28 po) du fond dela laveuse.Untuyaud’evacuationadditionnel


serarequis.Voir tableaua la page3.



. .

::.:.:.-ii.:..:: :..



Standpipe drain system:

Needsa 5-cm (2-inch) minimumdiameterstandpipewith minimumcarry-awaycapacityof 64 liters (17 gallons)per minute.A 5-cm (2-inch) diameterto 2.5-cm(l-inch) diameter standpipeadapter,PartNo.3363920mustbeusedwith 2.5-cm (l-inch) diameterdramsystem.

Floor standpipe drain -

Topof standpipe(C) mustbeat least99 cm (39 inches) high and no higher than 183cm (72 inches) from bottomof washer.

Wall standpipe drain -

Topof standpipe(D) mustbeatleast99 cm (39 inches) high and no higher than 183cm (72 inches)from bottomof washer.

If thedrain heightis greaterthan 183cm (72 inches),a sump pumpsystemmustbe used.

SystGmed’kvacuation par tuyau rigide :

Untuyaude 5 cm (2 po) dediametreestnecessaire,avecune capacitededebitde 64 litres (17 gallons) par minuteminimum. Unadaptateurde tuyaude 5 cm (2 po) a 2,5 cm (1 po) de diametre,pieceno 3363920,doit Ctreemployeavecun systeme de tuyaud’evacuationde 2,5 cm (1 po) dediametre.

Rejet a l’egout au plancher -

Lehautdu tuyau(C) doit Ctresituea au moins99 cm

(39 po) du sommeteta pasplus de 183cm (72 po) du fond de la laveuse.

Tuyauterie murale de rejet a l’egout -

Lesommetdu tuyaud’evacuation(D) doit &trea moins

99 cm (39 po) de hauteuret a pasplus de 183cm (72 po) du fond de la laveuse.

Sila hauteurd’bacuation depasse183cm (72 PO),un systeme depompedoit ?treutilid.

Electrical Shock Hazard

Plug into a grounded 3-prong outlet.

Do not remove ground prong.

Do not use an adapter.

Do not use an extension cord.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire, or electrical shock.

In the U.S.only: If codes permit and a separate ground wire is used, it is recommended that a qualitled electrician determine that the ground path is adequate.

Do Not ground to a gas pipe.

Check with a qualified electrician if you are not sure the washer is properly grounded.

Do Not have a fuse in the neutral or ground circuit,

A 120-volt,60-HZ,AC-only,l5- or ‘20~ampere,fusedelectrical supplyis required.Tune-delayfuseor circuit breakeris recommendedIt. is recommendedthata separatecircuit serving only this appliancebeprovided.

Recommended ground method

Foryour personalsafety,thiswashermustbegrounded.This washeris equippedwith a powersupplycord (A) havinga 3- pronggroundplug (B).

To minimizepossibleshockhazard,thecord mustbeplugged into a matingprong3-prongground-typewall receptacle(C), groundedin accordancewith local codesandordinances.If a matingwall receptacleis not available,it is the personal responsibilityandobligationof thecustomerto havetheproper groundedwall receptacleinstalledbya qualibedelectrician.

Risque de choc dlectrique

Brancher b une prise a trois alveoles reliee a la terre.

Ne pas enlever la broche reliee a la terre.

Ne pas utiliser un adaptateur.

Ne pas utiliser un cordon de rallonge.

Le non-respect de ces instructions peut causer un de&s, un incendie, ou un choc Blectrique.

Aux 8.4. seulement : Si les codes le permettent et un fil de liaison a la terre s&pa& est utilise, il est recommande qu’un electricien qualit% determine si la liaison B la terre est adequate.

Ne pas effectuer la liaison a la terre B un conduit de gaz.

Demander a un Clectricien qualifiC de contr8ler I’installation en cas de doute en ce qui concerne la liaison a la terre de l’appareil.

Ne pas utiliser un fusible dans le circuit de liaison a la terre ou dans le circuit du conducteur neutre.

L’appareildoit &trealime& par un circuit de 120V,60-HZ,CA seulement,15-0~20-amperes,protegepar fusible.On recommandel’emploi d’un fusibletemporiseou d’un disjoncteur. I1estpreferablequeI’appareil soit alimenmpar un circuit distinct,n’alimentantquecetappareil.

Mbthode de raccordement in la terre recommandiie

Pourla securitepersonnelledesutilisateurs,cettelaveusedoit &treretiCea la terre.Cetappareilestaliment6par un cordon d’alirnentation(A) comportantune fiche de branchement(B) g trois broches.

Pourminimiserle risquedechoc Clectrique,brancherle cordon d’ahmentationsur une prise decourantmurale reheea la terre

(C)et P3 alveoles,conformementaux codeset reglements locaux.Siune prise decourantadapteea la fiche debranchement nest pasdisponible,c’estau client qu’incombeI’obligation de faire installer une prise de courantmuraleconvenablementretiCe ala terre par un Clectricienqualit%.


Page 4
Image 4
Whirlpool 3950952REV.B Sysdme de vidange dans I’Cvier de buanderie, Than 183cm 72 inchesfrom bottomofwasher a, LaveuseA

3950952REV.B specifications

The Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is a high-performance refrigerator water filter designed to provide clear, great-tasting water and ice while removing impurities. This filter is specifically engineered to fit select Whirlpool, KitchenAid, and Maytag refrigerator models, offering compatibility and efficiency for a wide range of households.

One of the standout features of the 3950952REV.B water filter is its advanced filtration technology. The filter utilizes a combination of activated carbon and multiple filtration media to effectively reduce contaminants such as lead, chlorine, and various volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This multi-layered approach not only enhances the taste and clarity of water but also ensures that harmful substances are minimized, providing peace of mind for consumers.

In addition to its filtration capabilities, the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is designed for easy installation and maintenance. The filter is equipped with a simple snap-in design, allowing users to replace it without the need for tools. This user-friendly feature ensures that maintaining clean, fresh drinking water is hassle-free. It is recommended to replace the filter every six months, or when the refrigerator alerts users to a filter change, ensuring optimal performance and continued purification.

Another notable characteristic of the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is its environmental sustainability. The filter is designed to reduce waste, as it avoids reliance on bottled water, promoting a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The long-lasting nature of the filter also means fewer replacements over time, further contributing to reduced plastic waste.

Durability and reliability are also key traits of the 3950952REV.B filter. Built with high-quality materials, it withstands the rigors of daily use, providing reliable service over its lifespan. This commitment to quality makes it an excellent choice for families and individuals who value not just convenience, but also safety in their water supply.

Overall, the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B water filter combines advanced filtration technology, user-friendly design, environmental sustainability, and durability. It is an ideal solution for those seeking an efficient way to improve the quality of their drinking water and ice, ensuring a healthier lifestyle without compromising on taste or safety. Whether you're looking to enhance your kitchen's water supply or simply want to enjoy pure, refreshing hydration, this water filter stands out as a dependable choice.