Follow instructions for the type of drain hose supplied with washer (rubber or plastic).

For washers with plastic drain hose:

To preventthedrain hosefrom comingoff or leaking,it mustbe installedper the followinginstructions:

lWettheinsideendof thedramhose(A) with tapwater.DO NOTUSEANYOTHERLUBRICM.

lSqueezeearsof onedrain hoseclamp(B) with pliers to open andplaceclampovertheendof thedrain hose.

lOpenclampandpushendof drain hoseontodrain connector

(C)until hosecontactsribbedstop(D).


Staudpipe or laundry tub drain system:

Openyellow clamp(E) andslideover“hook”endof drain hose

(F)to securetherubberandcorrugatedsectionstogether.

Floor drain system:

Do Notinstall “hook’endof drain hoseto corrugatedsection. Consultyour plumberfor proper installation,

Runwaterthroughbothfaucetsinto a bucketto getrid of particlesin thewaterlines thatmightcloghoses.Mark thehot waterfaucet.

Put“hook’endof drain hoseinto laundry tub or standpipe. Checkfor properlengthof drain hose.

To preventdrain waterfrom goingbackinto washer:

lDo Notstraighten“hook”end of drain andforceexcessdrain hoseinto standpipe.

lDo Notlayexcessdrain hoseln bottom of laundry tub.

For washers with rubber drain hose:

To preventthedramhosefrom comingoff or leaking,it mustbe installedper thefollowing instructions.

lWetthe insideendof thedrain hose(A) with tapwater.DO NOT USEANYOTHERLUBRICANT.

. Squeezeearsof drain hoseclamp(B) with pliers to openand placeclampovertheendof thedrain hose.

. Openclampandpushendof drain hoseonto drain connector(C) until hosecontactsribbedstop(D).

Floor drain system:

Consultyourplumberfor proper installation

Runwaterthroughbotb faucetsinto a bucketto getrid of particlesin thewaterlines thatmightcloghoses.Mark thehot waterfaucet.

Put“hook”end of drain hoseinto laundrytub or standpipe. Estimatelengthof drain hoseneededwhenwasheris in final position.Hosemustbecut exactlyto lengthso“hook”endis held tightly overedgeof laundry tub or standpipe.If drain hoseis too long, cut straightendof hose.Do Not cut “hook”-shapedend of drain hose.

Replaceinlet hosesafter5yearsof useto reducetherisk of hose failure. Inspectandreplaceinlet hosesif bulges,kinks,cuts, wear,or leaksarefound.Whenreplacingyour inlet hoses,mark thedateof replacementon thelabelwith a permanentmarker.



Suivre les instructions selon le type d’evacuation fourni avec la laveuse (caoutchouc ou plastique).

Pour les laveuses avec tuyau d’evacuation en plastique :

PourCviterquele tuyau d’evacuatlonne sedetacheou ne fuie, il fautl’instalier conformementaux instructionssuivantes.

. Mouiller l’extremiteinterne du tuyaud’hacuation (A) avec del’eau du robinet. NEPASUTILISERD’AUTRE LUBRIFIANT.

lUtiliserune pincepour ouvrir la bride (B) du tuyau d’evacuationet la placera l’extremitedu tuyaud’evacuation.

lOuvrir la bride et enfiler le tuyaud’evacuationsur le raccordd’evacuation(C) jusqu’acequele tuyau d’evacuationarrive a la netvure de butee(D).

lFaireglisserla bride jusqu’al’endroit indique par clamps. Relacherla bride.

Systemed’hacuation par tuyau ou par t%er de buanderie :

Ouvrir la bride jaune(E) et l’enhler sur le bout recourbedu tuyaud’evacuation(F) pour qu’elle maintienneensembleles sectionsen caoutchoucetla sectionondulee.

Syst&medVvacuation au plancher :

Nepasinstaller I’extremiterecourbeedu tuyaud’evacuationa la sectionondulee.Consultervotreplombier pour I’installation convenable.

Laissercouler l’eau dansun seau,en provenancedesdeux robinetsd’eaupour Climinerlesparticulesqui peuventse trouverdansles conduitesd’eau.Identifier le robinet d’eau chaude.

Placerl’extremiterecourbeedu tuyaud’evacuationdanslevier de buanderieou dartsle tuyau riglde d’evacuation.Verifier la longueurapproprieedu tuyaud’evacuation.

Pourempecherl’eau d’evacuationde revenir dansla laveuse:

lNepasredressernle bout* du tuyau d’evacuationni forcerl’excedentdu tuyaud’evacuationdartsle tuyaude rejeta l’egout.

lNepasdeposerl’exds du tuyau d’evacuationaufond de l’evier de buanderie.

Pour les laveuses avectuyau d’hacuation en caoutchouc :

Poureviterquele tuyaud’evacuationne sed&acheou nefuie, il fautI’installer conformCmentaux instructionssuivantes.

. Mouiller l’extremiteinterne du tuyau d’evacuation(A) avec de l’eau du robmet.NE PASUTILISER D’AUTRE LUBRIFIANT.

lUtiliser une pincepour ouvrir la bride (B) du tuyau d’evacuationet la placer a l’extremitedu tuyaud’evacuation.

9 Ouvrir la bride et enfderle tuyaud’evacuationsur le raccordd’evacuation(C) jusqu’aceque le tuyau d’evacuationarrive a la nervurede butee(D).

Sys3me d’evacuation au plancher :

Consultervotreplombier pour l’installation convenable.

Lalssercomerl’eau dansun seau,en provenancedes deux robinetsd’eaupour Climinerlesparticulesqui peuventse trouverdanslesconduitesd’eau.Identiher le robmetd’eau chaude.

PlacerI’extrCmltCrecourbeedu tuyaud’evacuationdans I’6vier de buanderieou dartsle tuyaurigide d’evacuation.Estimerla longueurdu tuyaud’evacuationrequiselorsquela laveuseesta sonemplacementpermanent,Letuyaudoit &trecouped’une longueurexactede sortequele bout de c<raccordBlesttenu serresur le bord de l’evier debuanderieou du tuyaurigide d’evacuatlon.Sile tuyau d’evacuationesttrop long, couperle boutdroit du tuyau.Ne pas couper le bout c<recourb& du tuyau d’Cvacuation.

Remplacerles tuyauxflexiblesd’alimentationd’eauapt-es5 ans d’utilisation pour reduire le risqued’un bris de tuyau.Inspecter les tuyauxd’alimentationd’eauetles remplacersi des renflements,deformations,coupures,signesd’usureou fuites apparaissentLors.du remplacementdestuyauxd’alimentation d’eau,inscrire la datedu remplacementsur l’etiquetteavecun marqueurindelebile.

Continued on page 7.

Suite ri lapage 7.


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Image 6
Whirlpool 3950952REV.B Syst&medVvacuation au plancher, Pourempecherl’eau d’evacuationde revenir dansla laveuse

3950952REV.B specifications

The Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is a high-performance refrigerator water filter designed to provide clear, great-tasting water and ice while removing impurities. This filter is specifically engineered to fit select Whirlpool, KitchenAid, and Maytag refrigerator models, offering compatibility and efficiency for a wide range of households.

One of the standout features of the 3950952REV.B water filter is its advanced filtration technology. The filter utilizes a combination of activated carbon and multiple filtration media to effectively reduce contaminants such as lead, chlorine, and various volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This multi-layered approach not only enhances the taste and clarity of water but also ensures that harmful substances are minimized, providing peace of mind for consumers.

In addition to its filtration capabilities, the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is designed for easy installation and maintenance. The filter is equipped with a simple snap-in design, allowing users to replace it without the need for tools. This user-friendly feature ensures that maintaining clean, fresh drinking water is hassle-free. It is recommended to replace the filter every six months, or when the refrigerator alerts users to a filter change, ensuring optimal performance and continued purification.

Another notable characteristic of the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is its environmental sustainability. The filter is designed to reduce waste, as it avoids reliance on bottled water, promoting a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The long-lasting nature of the filter also means fewer replacements over time, further contributing to reduced plastic waste.

Durability and reliability are also key traits of the 3950952REV.B filter. Built with high-quality materials, it withstands the rigors of daily use, providing reliable service over its lifespan. This commitment to quality makes it an excellent choice for families and individuals who value not just convenience, but also safety in their water supply.

Overall, the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B water filter combines advanced filtration technology, user-friendly design, environmental sustainability, and durability. It is an ideal solution for those seeking an efficient way to improve the quality of their drinking water and ice, ensuring a healthier lifestyle without compromising on taste or safety. Whether you're looking to enhance your kitchen's water supply or simply want to enjoy pure, refreshing hydration, this water filter stands out as a dependable choice.