l Rinse Water: Adjust faucets for tempera- ture prior to fill for rinse.
NOTE: Always use cold rinse water for permanent press fabrics.
To disconnect washer:
Unplug the electrical power cord and put it back in its storage area.
Turn the water faucet off.
Press the red water flow button to release the water pressure.
Move the locking collar down and pull the hose connector down to disengage from the faucet adapter.
Drain water from the hoses through the hose connector.
Hose connector
l Hang the hoses on the storage rack.
Portable two-faucet connections
IMPORTANT: Service Kit #3430190 must be purchased when using portable model on
NOTE: Make sure the Ild Is closed before moving the washer.
If you have two separate water connections, your washer can be connected to both the hot and cold water faucets. For more information about a service kit, contact your authorized dealer.