Whirlpool ED26MM manual Adjusting crisper Humidity Control, Adjusting meat pan temperature

Models: ED26MM

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Adjusting crisper

Adjusting crisper

Humidity Control...

You can control the amount of humrdrty in the mols- ture-sealed crisper

The control can be adjusted to any setting be- tween LO and HI.

LO (open] lets morst air out of crisper for best storage of fruits and vegetables

with skins.

HI (closed] keeps morst air In the cris- per for best storage of fresh leafy vege-

Adjusting meat pan temperature.. .


Cold arr flows against the

&meat pan through an opening

\between the freezer and the refrigerator. This helps keep the meat pan colder than the rest

of the refrigerator

Set the control to let more or

1 less cold arr through. ‘-

Q -Use Control to Adjust Meat Pan Temperatures

Adjusting shelves.. .

Shelves can be adjusted to match the way you use Your refrigerator. Glass shelves are strong enough to hold bottles, mrlk and other heavy food Items. The

roll-out she/f should be the bottom she/f in your arrangement

The half-width shelf can be placed on either the left or right side of the refrigerator section.

To remove

glass shelves:


Tilt up at



2. Lift up at back.



Pull shelf



Gloss sheives ore heavy Be corefui

To replace:

1. Guide the rear hooks into the slots in the shelf supports.

2Tilt up front of shelf until hooks drop intoslot. Lower front of shelf to level posltion

To remove SERVA-DOOR’ shelves:

lLift up and out

To replace:

l Insert hooks into guides on both sides

lPush down.

Cold Water and


Press a sturdy glass agarnst the Ice dispenser bar. (Pressure and tumbling can break a froglle glass ) Remove the glass to stop dispensing.

The firstfew batches of Ice frcm the Ice maker may have o bad taste Throw them away This 5 from new plumbing and parts


1Press CIsturdy glass against the water dtspenser bar. [Pressure can break o frogrle glass.) Re-

. move the glass to stop

~ dispensing.

If the dispenser ISnot used reg- ularly. dispense enough every tieek tofreshen thesupply. Allow 2-3 hours for chilling.

The small troy beneath the dispenser ISdestgned to hold small spills There ISno drown In this tray Do not pour water into It. Water from small spills WIII evaporate.

Ice Is dlspensed from the ice maker storage bin in the freezer. When the dispenser bar is pressed, a trapdoor opens in a chute between the dispenser and the ice bin Ice is moved from the brn and falls through the chute. When the dispenser bar IS re- leased, a faint buzzing sound may be heard for a few seconds.


Chllled water comes from a tank behind the meat pan. It holds about 50 ounces (1.5 L).

When the refrigerator is first hooked up, press the water dispenser with a glass or a jar until you have

drawn and discarded 2 or 3 quarts (1.9 to 2.8 L]. Only air WIII come out to start with. The water you

draw and discard will rinse the tank and pipes. Allow about 24 hours to chill the first tankful

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Whirlpool ED26MM Adjusting crisper Humidity Control, Adjusting meat pan temperature, Adjusting shelves, Cold Water and