Before calling for service, please check the chart below for problems you can fix. It could save you the cost of a service call
The freezer stops running
The motor seems to run too long
l Is the power cord plugged into a live circuit with the proper voltage?
l Is there a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker?
l Has local power failed?
l Is the Temperature Control set to a numbered setting?
l Is there excessive frost, or a package preventing the door from closing? Defrost and clean freezer, or move package so door closes properly.
l Has a large amount of unfrozen food been added to the freezer? The motor will naturally run longer. Add no more unfrozen food at one time than will freeze in 24 hours - approximately
lIs the day hot and muggy, or the room too warm? The motor will naturally run longer to provide the correct amount of cooling.
l Is there enough air circulation space around the freezer? See “Choosing the proper location” on page 7.