The water inlettubing assembly required to complete the water connectionto the water valveis locatedinthe crisperdrawer ina bag. Connectthe icemakertothe water supply as instructedin the separate instructions,furnishedwith the refrigerator.
The automaticice maker is designed to furnish a continual supply of ice cubes. The amount of ice produceddepends on the temperature in the freezer section of your refrigerator.The colderthefreezer section,the more ice isproduced.We suggestyou startwithyourrefrigeratorand freezercontrolsat theirmidsettings. In mostcases,this is satisfactory. If the door to the refrigeratoror freezer is opened frequentlyor temperatures In the kitchen are abnormally high, a colder setting may be necessary.
Afteryour model has been installedand the watersupplyconnectedto the ice maker, itmay take 8 to 12 hoursbeforethe ice makerfurnishesany usable icecubes, The first one or two harvests will probably contain undersized and irregularcubes because of air in the supplyline. The initialharvestmay alsocontainimpuritiesfromthe newwater supply piping. Therefore, all cubes from the first two or three harvests should be discarded.
Undercertain rare circumstances,icecubes may be discolored,usuallyappearingwith
Ice cubes that have been in the ice storage for a considerable length of time may pick
Certain soundsmay accompanythe various cycles ofthe ice maker. Examplesare: (f) the motor mayhave a slighthum, (2)the cubeswill rattle as theyfall intoan empty storage bin, and (3) the water valve may click or "buzz" occasionally. All of these sounds are normal and should be ignored.
Note: When dispensing ice cubes, it is importantthat you use only the ice supplied by this icemaker. Icefromanyothersourcecouldcause an icejam. If thishappens,remove and discard all ice from the storagebin and any ice lodged in the ice chute.