To maintainthenatural flavor, moisture,and nutritionof fresh foods,we recommendthat all dishes, treys, and containersof food be covered.
tioned to suit your special needs. To remove a shelf, lift the rear straightup a frastlon of an inch and pull straightout. To lock into another position,tilt the shelf with the front up. Insert
hooks into desired frame openings and 1stthe shelf settle into place. Make sure it is securely locked at the rear. Some models have slide out shelves that are designed to contain spills. Height adjustments are made the same way, being careful that the movable shelf remains fully in the frame.
TheTemp ControlDrawerprovidesshortterm storageof fresh meatswithoutfreezing. The shelfwiththe Temp ControlDrawer can be placedin one of three positions.When adjusting this shelf, removethe drawer and look at the back wall of the drawer. It is necessaryforthe air inlettube at the back of the refrigeratorto line up at the top,middle or bottom of the air slots In the back of the drawer. Set the temperaturecontrol to the coldest positionwhen adjustingthe Temp Control Drawer. Once adjustment has been made, replacethe drawerand set the controlto the desired setting.
The controlknobis locatednear the refrigeratorcontrol. Asthe knobisturnedfromthe
"Cool"settingtowardthe "Cold"setting,thetemperaturewiUget colder, Selectthe "Cool" settingfor storageof luncheonmeat and cheese. Selectthe "Cold" settingfor storage of fresh meats.
All meats or poultry shouldbe storedin theiroriginal storewrappingsor in plasticbags to reducethe evaporationof moisturefrom them, Keep your Temp Control Drawer tightly closed at all times to obtain best results.