It is recommended that you disconnect the power cord before cleaning.
Your refrigeratorcan be roiledout for cleaning. Turn the levelers,at each frontcorner of the cabinet,counterclockwise untiltheyturn freely. Then pullthe cabinetstraight out. Note: Ifyou have an AutomaticIce Maker installed,we recommendthat you turn offthe water supplybefore movingthe cabinet.
Aftercleaningbehindyourrefrigerator,pushitbackand turnthe levelersclockwise until they touchthe floor and lockthe cabinet in place.
Use mildsoapand water, DO NOT usescouringpowders,automobilewax, or furniture polish. Rinsewith clear water.
Door gaskets may be cleaned with soap and water, a baking soda solution,or mild scouring powder.
Clean bothcompartmentsand innerdoor panelswith mild soap and water. Do not use an abrasive powder,solvent, polishcleaner or undiluteddetergent.
When cleaninga glass cantilevershelf, you can remove it and submergethe entire assemblyinwarmwater. Never usehotwater. Always allow glass to warm up to room temperature before immersing in warm water.