Defrostwafer drainsintoa shallowpan beneaththe |
| |
cabinetand evaporates. Duringperiods of high |
humidity,watercouldremain in the pan. This pan |
should be cleaned once a month with a strong |
solutionof soap and water. It is locatedbehindthe |
base gfige. To removethe base grille,grasp itat |
both ends and pull straightout. |
Liftthe frontofthe defrostpanand pullit straight out. | ,_,o__,L, |
To replacethe defrostpan, reverse procedureas | _l | _'_ |
shown. | ___'__ |
To replacethe base griUe,line up the spring clips __ |
| |
on the base grillewiththe square openingsin the |
cabinet and gentlytap each end in untilthe gdlle |
locks in place. | ._,Lj_ | o=_sr_, |
TO allow your refrigeratorto run more efti- |
ciently,the base gdlle and the area around |
the condensershouldbe cleaned at least | ] | JI | _ |
twicea year. The areaaroundthecondens- |
er canbe cleanedwheneverthe refrigerator |
is moved during routine |
| |
Unplug the refrigeratorand move it away |
fromthe wall. Vacuumthe condenserand |
| ,_F,o=_ |
base grille area and the area where the | OpEN END | PA1_ _* | |
| |
cabinetnormallysits. Plugin the refrigera- |
| ._s_,,_ | eASE_.,LU_ |
tor after cleaning. |
To clean the base grille, grasp both ends and pullstraightout. Aftercleaning,replaoe the base grille.