Your new refrigeratorhastwo controls. Onefor regulatingthe temperaturein the fresh food compartmentand one for the freezer. Bothcontrolsare locatedat the upperrear of the refrigeratorcompartment,just belowthe light shield.
To startyourrefrigerator,settherefrigeratorcontrol |
on "6"and set the freezer controlon "D". | _,=_ | ,_,_ |
Let the refrigeratorrunat leasttwo hoursbefore loadingit with food.
IMPORTANT; In a dayor so, you my decidethat one or bothcompartmentsshouldbe colderor warmer. DO NOT changeeithercontrolmorethan one letteror one number at a time. Nlow 24 hoursfor temperatureto stabilizebeforeadjustingthesettingagain. This does notapply when you first start your refrigerator.
To turnoff yourrefrigerator,set the refrigeratorcontrolon OFF.
At times, the front surfaces of your refrigeratorcabinet may be warm to the touch. This isa normalfunctionof yourrefrigerator.Thisfeaturepreventsmoisturefromcondensing on the outside of your refrigeratorduring humid weather. This condition may be noticeable when you firs! start your refrigerator, dudng hot weather, and during excessiveor lengthydoor openings.
For efficient energy use:
1. Be surathe refdgeratoris level and ventilatJonraundthe frontgd]leJsnotblocked.
2.Check doorseals occasionallyfor leakage. Check at variousplaces:top, bottom, and sides.
3.Check the temperature;avoid unnecessarycold settings.
4.Keep the freezer near full capacity;lesscold air is lost duringdoor openings.
5.Let hot dishescool before putting intorefrigeratoror freezer.
6.Cover liquids;if uncovered,the unit mustwork longer.
7.C_eanrefrigeratoroondensercoils at least twice a year,