If you need service or assistance,

we suggest you follow these five steps:

1. Before calling for assistance.. .

Performance problems often result from little things you can firid and ftx yourself without tools of any kind

Ii nothing operates:

l Is the oven corr ?c?Iv alred to a live clrcdit with the proper ,doltcae? (See Installation Instructions )

l Have you chec <ed your home’s mclln fuses or sircuit breaker ic)c 1

If the oven will n‘l#t operate:

lis the Oven Self sctor turned to a settlr18g (BAKE or BROIL, but no. TIMED BAKE)7

l is the Oven Terr )erat;lre Control turned i< .J temperature .se+ins?

If cooking results aren’t what you expected: * !s the oven leve 1

l Are y3u using F .jrl.y ~~crnme?Zec it‘ ‘!-Y Cooking Guide?

9 it oaking. have .O.J allowed 7:.,to 2 !:!c.hes (4-5 cm] on all I !des -if the pans for :.:I’ circulation?

l 2oes the oven. ~I~~Deiati~:e seem ioo I:~W(;I too hiqh? See p:ige 5 Resetting the oven temperature cc ntroi’

. flave you prehi ;te:: ?QGJ?:jpr, ,s the ‘cz1p3~ zalls for?

lAre the pans ti-,~ SIJ” c;arleti ‘:zr In the rrc!pe?

l Are you fo!lowll ‘2 17tested recipe from a reliable silurce

See the Cooking Guide ior r’;ore infar rllatioli on cooking probi?ms anr; how to sclv? them

2. If you need assistance? “.

Call the Whirlpool COOL-LINE service assistance telephone number. Dial free from anywhere in the U.S.:


and talk with one of our tratned Consultants. The Consultant can ir,struct you In how to obtain sat-

isfactory operati-jr: from your appliance or, if

service is necessc’ry recommended a qualified service (cornoar-‘, lr- your area.

3 . If you need service*.. .






Whit ~$201






TECH-CARE Service Com-





‘RANCH’SLDSERY’Cttechnicians are trained to ful- fili ?Qe prodiict warranty and provide after- warranty service anfwhere in the United States. To locate TECH-CARE service ;n your area, call our COOL-LINE service assistance telephone nimber [see Step ‘2; or look in your telephone directorv Yellow Papes under

4 l If you have a problem?..

Call cur COOL-LINE service assistance tele- phone number [see Step 2) and talk with one of odr Consultants. or if you prefer, write to:

Mr. RoDert Stanlev Division Vice President ‘Whirlpool Corooratlon 2000 rv-63

sentor-; iiarbcr M; 49022

5.If yoq need FSP replacement parts*. ..

rSPb 1s a registered trademark of Whirlpool Corporation for qualified parts. Look forthis sym- bol of quality whenever you need a replace-

ment part for your Whirlpool appliance. FSP re- placement parts will fit right and work right, be- cause they are made to the same exacting

specifications used to build every new Whirlpool appliance

To locte FSP replacement parts in your area, refer ‘o Step 3 or call the Whirlpool COOL-LINE service assistance number in Step 2.

-I! jou must cali or write, please provide: model number, serral number, date of purchase, and 2 complete description of the problem. This in- !~.Xmation is rleedetl In order to better respond k your request 3r .xsistance.


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Whirlpool R8700PXS warranty 7ECH-CARE, Tech-Care