Whirlpool RF302BW manual Broiling, Custom Broil

Models: RF302BW

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. Position the rack before turning the oven on. See “BroilCharYin the Cooking Guide or a reliable cookbook for recommended rack positions.

3.Close the door to the Broil Stop position [open about 4 inches,

10.2cm). The door will stay open by itself.

2.Put the broiler pan and food on the rack.

4.Set the Oven Selector and Oven Temperature Control to BROIL.

5.When broiling is done, turn both the Oven Selector and Oven Temperature Control to OFF.

Custom Broil

lIf food is cooking too fast, turn the Oven Temperature Control counferclock- wise until the Oven Indicator Light goes off.

lIf you want the food to broil slower from the start, set the Oven Temperature Control betvveen150” and 325°F (65.5” and 162.7”C). The lower the tempera- ture, the slowerthe cooking.

The Oven Selector must be on BROIL for all broiling temperatures.

NOTE: The door must be partly open whenever the oven is set to BROIL. leaving the door open allows the oven to maintain proper temperatures.

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Whirlpool RF302BW manual Broiling, Custom Broil