InstructionsAt A Glancel Fordetailedinstructions seefollowing page.
| Electrical Shock | Hazard |
1.Turnoff coldwatersupply.(St; | Special care must be taken when drilling into | ||
water | pipes. Some water may | remain in water | |
| supply | pipe: |
l If an electric drill is used, it must be properly grounded to prevent severe or lethal shock if water should enter drill.
l Use only an electric drill that is double insulated or properly grounded.
l Check with qualified electrician if you are in doubt as to whether your electric drill is properly grounded.
l Only drill at top or side of horizontal water supply pipe. DO NOT drill at bottom of horizontal pipe where water may remain.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in personal injury or death.
2.Turnon faucetto drainwaterfromline. (Steplb)
3.Connectsaddlevalveto coldwatersupply.Turnsaddle | 4.Connectoneendof orangetubingto saddlevalve. |
valvehandleclockwiseuntil piercinglanceenters | Connectotherendto filtrationassembly(Step.1k) |