Motor for broom will not operate. | Auxiliary hydraulics control on prime | Verify controls: See prime mover |
| mover is activated in the wrong | owner’s manual. |
| position. |
| Hoses improperly connected to prime | Connect hoses correctly to prime |
| mover. | mover. |
| Hoses on prime mover are | Clear obstruction on prime mover. |
| obstructed. |
| Hoses on broom are obstructed. | Clear obstruction on broom. |
| The motor has failed. | Replace the motor. |
Sluggish broom operation. | Insufficient oil flow from the prime | Increase engine RPM. |
| mover. |
| One or more seals have failed in the | Replace the seals or motor. |
| motor. |
| Hydraulic filter on prime mover is | Replace filter. |
| dirty. |
Motor runs but broom does not. | Motor shaft has a sheared key. | Replace key. |
Oil leaks from motor. | One or more seals have failed in the | Replace the seals or motor. |
| motor. |
| Seals on the fittings are damaged. | Replace seals or fittings. |
| Fittings are loose or damaged. | Tighten or replace fittings. |
| Hydraulic hoses are loose or | Tighten or replace hoses. |
| damaged. |
Brush rotates in wrong direction. | Hoses installed incorrectly. | Switch hose connections. |
Brush slows or stops when sweeping. | Brush pattern too wide. | Adjust brush pattern. |
| Travel speed too fast. | Reduce travel speed. |
| Trying to sweep too much material at | Reduce amount of material being |
| once. | swept; make more passes. |
| Hydraulic motor is failing. | Replace Motor. |
Brush wears very quickly. | Brush pattern too wide. | Adjust brush pattern. |
18 Troubleshooting | MAN0661 (8/10/2007) |