K_\ dXZ_`e\ dljk Y\ gifg\icp j\k lg Y\]fi\ `k `j jX]\kffg\iXk\%;FEFKZfee\Zkk_`jdXZ_`e\kfk_\ gfn\i jfliZ\ lek`c `ejkilZk\[ kf [f jf `e k_\ K\jk Ilegfik`fef]k_`jdXelXc%
The ModelM1013 is prewired for 110V operation. For 220V operation, the motor must be
The power supply circuit used for this machine MUST be grounded and rated for the amperage given below. Never replace a circuit breaker with one of higher amperage without consulting a qualified electrician to ensure compliance with wiring codes.
This machine must be grounded! The cord supplied with this machine comes with a grounding wire. If your outlet does not accommodate a ground pin, have it replaced by a qualified electrician.
@]pflXi\lejli\XYflkk_\n`i`e^Zf[\j`epfliXi\X fipflgcXekfZfee\ZkpflidXZ_`e\kfXj_Xi\[Z`i$ Zl`k#pfldXpZi\Xk\X]`i\fiZ`iZl`kfm\icfX[_XqXi[Ç ZfejlckXhlXc`]`\[\c\Zki`Z`Xekfi\[lZ\k_`ji`jb%
We do not recommend using an extension cord; however, if you have no alternative, use the following guidelines:
•Use a cord rated for Standard Service (S).
•Do not use an extension cord longer than 50 feet.
•Ensure that the cord has a ground wire and pin.
•Use the gauge size listed below as a minimum.
-$(,G -$(,I
=`^li\)% NEMA 5-15 and 6-15 plugs and
;FEFKnfibfepfli\c\Zki`ZXcjpjk\d `] pfl Xi\ lejli\ XYflk \c\Zki`ZXc Zf[\jXe[n`i`e^J\\bXjj`jkXeZ\]ifd X hlXc`]`\[ \c\Zki`Z`Xe% @^efi`e^ k_`j nXie`e^ZXeZXlj\\c\ZkifZlk`fe#]`i\# fidXZ_`e\[XdX^\%
Fg\iXk`e^MfckX^\ | 8dg;iXn | D`e%:`iZl`kJ`q\ | I\Zfdd\e[\[Gcl^ | <ok\ej`fe:fi[ |
110V Operation | 7 Amps | 15A | NEMA | 14 Gauge |
220V Operation | 3.5 Amps | 15A | NEMA | 16 Gauge |