Dfm`e^8jj\dYcp |
KffcjE\\[\[ | Hkp |
Wrench 1⁄2" | 1 |
Wrench 9⁄16" | 1 |
Precision Level | 1 |
Kfdfm\Xe[Xjj\dYc\pflin`[\Y\ckjXe[\i#[fk_\j\ jk\gj1
(% With assistance, turn the cabinet stand upside down on a protective piece of cardboard.
)% Place 3⁄8" flat washers on the mounting feet, then insert them through the machine mounting holes of the base (see =`^li\.).
*% Reach into the cabinet and secure the feet with the 3⁄8" flat washers and
+% With assistance, turn the cabinet over and place it in the desired location.
,% Have your assistant steady the sander assembly as you place the forklift forks in a stable position under the conveyor, as shown in =`^li\/%
LJ<_\cg\ijXe[X]fibc`]k iXk\[]fiXkc\Xjk.,'cYj% kf c`]k k_\ jXe[\i Xjj\d$ Ycp% Fk_\in`j\# j\i`$ flj g\ijfeXc `ealip dXp fZZli%
=`^li\.%Mounting foot installed onto
sanding cabinet.
=`^li\/% Forklift forks properly positioned
under the conveyor.