Inverter loads
Inverter loads
The HI400 will operate most AC loads within its power
rating (400 watts/3.3 amps).
Typical loads that can be used on the HI400 are as follows:
•Small TVs
Handheld computing devices
• VCRs
• Camcorders
Other light duty AC devices

Operating several loads at once

If you are going to operate several loads from the HI400, turn
them on separately after you have turned the inverter on. This
ensures that the inverter does not have to deliver the starting
current for all the loads at once. The HI400 can handle
several loads as long as they do not exceed 400 watts in total.

Problem loads

Some appliances may be damaged if they are connected to
the HI400:
Electronics that modulate RF (radio frequency) signals
on the AC line will not work and may be damaged.
Speed controllers found in some fans, kitchen appliances,
and other loads may be damaged.
CAUTION: Modified sine wave (MSW)
Some appliances may be damaged by the HI400’s MSW