Info | Selling Tools |
To make the sales of Xerox Network Printers easier, these sales tools are available on the Xerox reseller Web site at www.tektronix.xerox.com/resellers/ Many of these are in PDF format for you to easily download. Supplies of these materials are also available to order directly from Xerox via our Literature Order Form, which is also available on the reseller Web site (click on Order Literature).
Xerox Color and Monochrome Network Printers
•Workgroup Printers Brochure (Pocket size)
•Workgroup Printers Poster
•Workgroup Printers Specification Sheet
•Advertising Tools CD for Phaser Color Printers
Competitive comparisons
•750 Cost per Print vs. Competition
•850 Cost per Print vs. Competition
•750/850 vs. HP 4500 and QMS magicolor 2+
•750/740 vs. HP 4500 - Total Cost of Ownership
•850 vs. Color Lasers - Total Cost of Ownership
•740/850 vs. HP 4500 Transparency Print Sample Kit
•750 Evaluator's Guide
•780 Evaluator's Guide
•850 Evaluator's Guide