ChipScope PLBv46 IBA (Bus Analyzer) (v1.00a)
a user to look for multiple occurrences of the match event. This counter width is controllable through the C_MU_xx_CNT_W parameter (xx is a place holder for
The number of match units to use is defined by the
C_MU_xx_NUM parameter. By default if a match unit does not have the C_MU_xx_NUM parameter then only one match unit is used for the match group. If the C_MU_xx_NUM parameter is defined, then one or two match units are available for this match group. What this enables is looking at sequences of this particular match group. For instance in match group 2 you may want a trigger sequence to first look at PLB_PAValid=1 followed by a rising edge on PLB_SaddrAck. For this specific trigger the first match unit is set to look for PLB_PAValid=1 and the second is set for PLB_SaddrAck=R.
The first match unit is labeled 1a and 1b. The 1a group of signals makes up the reset and error flag signals. The 1b group contains master related error signals. The generator allows adding 1a, 1b or both of these groups to the core via the generic parameters C_USE_MU_1A, and C_USE_MU_1B respectively.
The second match unit has labels 2a, 2b, and 2c. The 2a signals contain 16 of the primitive ports which provide essential PLB bus transaction information. The 2b signals contain buses that identify widths and master information of the active transaction. The 2c label is used for the transaction attribute bus. The three subdivided match unit groups can be all or individually enabled using the parameters C_USE_MU_2A, C_USE_MU_2B, and C_USE_MU_2C.
The third, fourth, and fifth match units are used for the address, data write, and data read buses respectively. Each bus has a dedicated match unit so it can be individually
Table 2: IBA_PLBv46 Design Parameters
enabled and defined with unique C_MU_xx_TYPE pattern match units.
The 6a and 6b match units are used for the slave side interface. This match unit holds all the control and status ports of all the slaves on the PLB. Similarly, match units 11, 12 and 13 have all the control and status of all the masters.
Note: When these match units are enabled, all slaves or masters are enabled. You cannot individually enable a particular master.
The match units 7, 8, and 9 are slave side signals for BUSY, READ, and WRITE error controls going to the master. These units are broken out individually because this bus has one signal for each master on each slave. Consequently, you can have up to 256 signals on each one of these match units (if PLB goes to a 16 slave, 16 master solution).
The arbiter status signals can be monitored using match unit 10. The signals probed by this match unit can help identify the order of the PLB master transactions that are being sorted on the bus.
ChipScope PLB46 IBA Parameters
To create a ChipScope PLB46 IBA uniquely tailored for your system and to optimize performance, specific features can be parameterized on the PLB IBA. Table 2 describes the features that can be parameterized.
The ChipScope PLB IBA peripheral supports multiple trigger units that connect to the PLB Control bus, Address bus, Data bus, lumped Slave or Master busses. Each one of these trigger units can be enabled and parameterized independently. Table 2 lists all the parameters used in selecting the trigger port connections. These parameters define what signals are connected to the trigger ports, the match unit type, and if the signals are stored in the sample buffer.
Generic | Feature/Description | Parameter Name | Allowable Values | Default | VHDL |
Value | Type |
| ||||
| ||
G1 | Target Family | C_FAMILY | Spartan3, | Virtex5 | String |
| Spartan3E, |
| Spartan3A, |
| Spartan3ADSP, |
| Spartan3AN, |
| Virtex, VirtexE, |
| Virtex4, Virtex5 |
G2 | Device | C_DEVICE |
| String |
G3 | Device Package | C_PACKAGE |
| String |
G4 | Device speed grade | C_SPEEDGRADE |
| String |
G5 | Number of PLB Masters | C_PLBV46_NUM_MASTERS | 2 | Integer |
| |
G6 | Number of PLB Slaves | C_PLBV46_NUM_SLAVES | 1 | Integer |
| |
G7 | Number of bits required to encode the | C_PLBV46_MID_WIDTH | 2 | Integer |
| |
| number of PLB Masters |
DS619 (v1.0) September 17, 2007 | www.xilinx.com |
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Product Specification |
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