AW1600 Owner’s Manual
Effects Parameters
Parameter Range Description
SOURCE INPUT, MIDI Control source: input signal or MIDI note on velocity
SENSE 0 – 100 Sensitivity
TYPE LPF, HPF, BPF Filter type
OFFSET 0 – 100 Filter frequency offset
RESO. 0 – 20 Filter resonance
DIR. UP, DOWN Upward or downward frequency change
DECAY 6.0 ms – 46.0 s Filter frequency change decay speed
LEVEL 0 – 100 Output Level
MIX BAL. 0 – 100 [%] Mix balance of the effects and dry sounds
Parameter Range Description
SOURCE INPUT, MIDI Control source: input signal or MIDI note on velocity
SENSE 0 – 100 Sensitivity
FB.GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
OFFSET 0 – 100 Delay time offset
DIR. UP, DOWN Upward or downward frequency change
DECAY 6.0 ms – 46.0 s Decay speed
LSH F 21.2 – 8.00 k [Hz] Low-shelving filter frequency
LSH G –12 to +12 [dB] Low-shelving filter gain
EQ F 100 – 8.00 k [Hz] Parametric equalizer center frequency
EQ G –12 to +12 [dB] Parametric equalizer gain
EQ Q 10 – 0.10 Parametric equalizer band width
HSH F 50.0 – 16.0 k [Hz] High-shelving filter frequency
HSH G –12 to +12 [dB] High-shelving filter gain
MIX BAL. 0 – 100 [%] Mix balance of the effects and dry sounds
Parameter Range Description
SOURCE INPUT, MIDI Control source: input signal or MIDI note on velocity
SENSE 0 – 100 Sensitivity
FB.GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
OFFSET 0 – 100 Lowest phase-shifted frequency offset
STAGE 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 Number of phase shift stages
DIR. UP, DOWN Upward or downward frequency change
DECAY 6.0 ms – 46.0 s Decay speed
LSH F 21.2 – 8.00 k [Hz] Low-shelving filter frequency
LSH G –12 to +12 [dB] Low-shelving filter gain
HSH F 50.0 – 16.0 k [Hz] High-shelving filter frequency
HSH G –12 to +12 [dB] High-shelving filter gain
MIX BAL. 0 – 100 [%] Mix balance of the effects and dry sounds