CVP-509/505/503/501 Owner’s Manual 93
Mixing Console – Editing the Volume and Tonal Balance –
Compressor is an effect commonly used to limit and compress the dynamics
(softness/loudness) of an audio signal. For signals that vary widely in dynamics,
such as vocals and guitar parts, it “squeezes” the dynamic range, effectively making
soft sounds louder and loud sounds softer. When used with gain to boost the overall
level, this creates a more powerful, more consistently high-level sound.
Select the CMP tab in step 2 on page 88.
Adjusting the Overall Volume Using the Master Compressor

Editing Master Compressor Settings

1[G] ON/OFF Turns the Master Compressor effect on or off.
2[2 ▲▼]/
[3 ▲▼]
TYPE Selects a Master Compressor type.
Determines the threshold (minimum level at which
compression starts).
4[5 ▲▼]RATIO
Determines the ratio of compression (how much
the dynamic range is compressed).
5[7 ▲▼]GAIN OFFSET Determines the output level.
234 5
Displays the Gain
Reduction (com-
pressed level) and
output level.