Library Window


4 Library Window

The Library window allows you to control and manage DM1000 Scenes and libraries. In addition, Scenes and libraries can be saved to disk on your computer.

The Library window provides access to the following libraries:


How to Open




Choose Library from the Windows menu








LIBRARY buttons on the Selected Channel window











LIBRARY button on the Effects Editor window



Input Patch

LIBRARY buttons on the Patch Editor window


Output Patch




The layout of the Library window is the same regardless of which library is selected (the Scene Library is shown below). The Library window consists of two panes. The pane on the left displays a list of memories in the currently open Library file. The pane on the right displays a list of memories in the DM1000.

Memories can be copied between the DM1000 and Library file by dragging them between the panes. Memories can be copied or sorted within the DM1000 or Library file by dragging them within the same pane. When a memory is dropped on top of another memory, it’s copied. When a memory is dropped between two memories, it’s moved (i.e., sorted). Memory contents can be swapped by holding down the Shift key while dragging. In all cases, the contents of the destination memory are overwritten. To edit a memory title, click and then type.

12 3 4 5


6 L7 8 9



AFile name

This is the file name of the currently open Library file.

BOPEN button

This button is used to open Library files.

CCLOSE button

This button is used to close the currently open Library file.

Studio Manager for DM1000—Owner’s Manual