28 Chapter 6—Surround Editor Window

6 Surround Editor Window

The Surround Editor window allows you to edit the surround pan position of the currently selected Input Channel. To open the Surround Editor window, choose Surround Editor from the Windows menu.

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Channels can be selected by clicking the Channel ID and selecting from the list that appears, or by clicking the left and right Channel Select buttons. The long channel name is displayed below the Channel ID. To edit the name, click it and type.

BSurround pan graph

The green dot on this graph indicates the surround pan position for the currently selected Input Channel. The surround pan can be set by dragging the dot.


This indicates the currently selected Surround mode: STEREO, 3-1, 5.1 or 6.1.

DSurround pan position

This is the current surround pan position.

ELFE control

This rotary control sets the level of the LFE channel.

FDIV.F control (6.1)/DIV control (3-1, 5.1)

This rotary control sets the amount of divergence (i.e., how the Center signal is fed to the Left, Right, and Center channels). With 6.1 surround, you can set the divergence for both the front and rear. The DIV.F control sets the amount of divergence for the front signal.

GDIV.R control (6.1 only)

This rotary control sets the amount of divergence for the rear signal.

HLINK button (6.1 only)

This button is used to link the DIV.F and DIV.R controls.

Studio Manager for DM1000—Owner’s Manual