1. INPUT Parameters
Contains specific settings for each of the pads (1-10).
This function is divided into the following 6 pages.
1-1. Pad Type.......................................................... 36
1-2. Gain, Minimum Velocity................................... 36
1-3. Velocity Curve ................................................. 37
1-4. Self Rejection, Rejection ................................. 37
1-5. Specific Rejection............................................ 37
1-6. Trigger Setup Copy.......................................... 37
1-1. Pad Type
Sets the type of pad or trigger sensor that is connected to the trig-
ger input jack q. By selecting the appropriate pad type, pad func-
tions can be used to their full potential.
misc 2Extensive use 2—high sensitivity type.
Rim switch function is good for cymbal use.
misc 3Extensive use 3—normal sensitivity type.
Rim switch is good for snare/tom use.
misc 4Extensive use 4—normal sensitivity type.
Rim switch function is good for cymbal use.
misc 5Extensive use 5—low sensitivity type.
Rim switch is good for snare/tom use.
misc 6Extensive use 6—low sensitivity type.
Rim switch function is good for cymbal use.
HH contrler
Connect the HH60, HH80, HH80A to Trigger In-
put jack 1 to use as a kick pedal.
* The volume (velocity) is fixed.
*The DT10, DT20 are Yamaha Drum Trigger Sensors.
1-2. Gain, Minimum Velocity
This function sets the input sensitivity (Gain) and velocity range
(Minimum Velocity) for each input jack q.
q TRIG IN (Trigger Input Number)
[Range] 1-10
Assigns the trigger input jack number for the pad you want to edit.
*According to the setting in the utility mode’s [1-1. Learn Mode]
(P. 52) trigger input jack numbers can be assigned by hitting the
w Type (Pad Type)
Sets the type of pad that is connected to the trigger input jack
assigned in q TRIG IN.
*Values set in [1-2. Gain, Minimum Velocity] (P. 36) and [1-4. Self
Rejection] (P. 37) will automatically select the proper value for
the pad type you set here.
*The “HH contrler” can only be assigned to Input Jack 1. Con-
nect the Hi-hat Controller HH60, HH80 or HH80A to Input Jack
1 and set to “HH contrler” to use in place of a kick pedal.
Use a cable with a stereo plug when connecting a Hi-hat con-
Pad types are defined as follows.
TP snare TP60, TP80, TP80S used as a snare pad.
TP tom TP60, TP80, TP80S used as tom pads.
TP HH TP60, TP80, TP80S used as a hi-hat pad.
KP KP60, KP80, KP80A used.
PCY ride PCY60, PCY80, PCY80S used as ride cymbal
PCY crash PCY60, PCY80, PCY80S used as crash cymbal
PCY cup PCY10, etc. used as the cymbal cup.
BP BP80 used.
DT snare DT10, DT20 attach to the snare drum.
DT hi tom DT10, DT20 attach to small toms
DT lo tom DT10, DT20 attach to large toms
DT kick 1DT10, DT20 attach to small bass drum
DT kick 2DT10, DT20 attach to large bass drum
misc 1Extensive use1—high sensitivity type.
Rim switch function is good for snare/tom use.
Type= KP wq
q TRIG IN (Trigger Input Number)
Assigns the trigger input jack number. (The same procedure as in
[1-1. Pad Type]).
w GAIN (Input Gain)
[Range] 0-99
Adjusts the input gain level (minimum sensitivity) for the trigger
input jack assigned in step q TRIG IN.
Entering a larger value here allows smaller input levels to sound
the voice.
*This value will be automatically set after the appropriate pad
type is set in [1-1. Pad Type]. Some fine-tuning of the value will
be necessary.
e MVel (Minimum Velocity)
[Range] 1-127
Sets the MIDI Velocity (volume) that is transmitted when the pad
is hit the weakest. Large values will produce a high volume level
even if the pad is hit softly. However, this will result in a narrow
volume range making it difficult to adequately produce wider dy-
namic levels.
If “
HH contrler
” is set for the pad type, the value set here will
be transmitted as the velocity.
The trigger input level will be displayed as a % in the upper right
hand corner of the display. The maximum velocity (input level
99%) will be 127. The level is low when the pad is hit the weakest
so a wider dynamic range will be possible.
*This value will be automatically set after the appropriate pad
type is set in [1-1. Pad Type]. Some fine-tuning of the value will
be necessary.
TRIG IN= 1 ( 0%)Gain=64 MVel= 32 Level Display
Trigger Setup Edit Mode