Trouble Shooting
Double-triggers are produced.
●Are you using a sensor made by a manufacturer other than Yamaha? If the signal is too large, double-triggers may
be produced.
●Is the head causing irregular vibrations? It may be necessary to mute the head.
●Is the sensor attached close to the center of the head? Move the sensor closer to the rim (above the bearing).
(m P. 1 1)
●Is the sensor in contact with anything else?
●Pads with output or sensitivity control volumes should be adjusted (lowered).
●Try increasing the rejection parameter. However, a setting a value that is too high may cause the sound to be
muted when another drum is hit at the same time. (m P. 37 [1-4. Self-Rejection, Rejection])
●Use the self-rejection. (m P. 37 [1-4. Self-Rejection, Rejection])
●Change the INPUT ATTENUATION setting on the rear panel. (m P. 9 )
Cross-talk is produced.
●Try placing the sensors (DT10, etc.) away from nearby drums.
●Is the gain set too high? (m P. 36 [1-2. Gain, Minimum Velocity]).
●Try increasing the rejection parameter. However, a setting a value that is too high may cause the sound to be
muted when another drum is hit at the same time. (m P. 37 [1-4. Self-Rejection, Rejection])
●If cross-talk is produced with a specific trigger input, try using specific rejection. (m P. 37 [1-5. Specific Rejection])
Sounds are cut when you play continuously.
●The maximum polyphony of 32 voices might be exceeded. In the Drum Kit Voice Edit mode’s [2-3. Alternate
Group, Key Assign Mode] (m P. 43) set the “Key” value to “semi” or “mono”.
When 2 pads (drums) are played only 1 sound is heard.
●Raise the gain setting of the pad (drum) that is not producing sound. (m P. 36 [1-2. Gain, Minimum Velocity])
●Lower the rejection setting of the pad that is not producing sound. (m P. 37 [1-4. Self-Rejection, Rejection])
●Are both pads assigned to the same group in the Drum Kit Voice Edit mode’s [2-3. Alternate Group, Key Assign
Mode] display (m P. 43)?
The sound is always loud.
●Is the minimum velocities minimum value set too high? (m P. 36 [1-2. Gain, Minimum Velocity])
●Are you using a proper velocity curve? (m P. 37 [1-3. Velocity Curve])
●Are you using a sensor made by a manufacturer other than Yamaha? Depending upon the manufacturer output
levels might be too large.
●Change the INPUT ATTENUATION setting on the rear panel. (m P. 9 )
The DTXPRESS does not receive any switch or trigger signals.
●If you can access the Utility mode, do a factory reset. The DTXPRESS will reset to its factory settings. (m P. 53 [1-
6. Factory Reset])
●Turn the [POWER SW] OFF then ON while holding the [PAGEs] and [PAGEt] buttons. The DTXPRESS will reset
to its factory settings.
The sound will not stop.
●Some voices have very long release times when the [2-5. Key Off Enable] (m P. 44) “key off” parameter is set to
“disable”. To temporarily stop the sound, hold the [SHIFT] button and press the [VOICE] button.