Definition of terms
“Title” is a unit to divide the contents on a DVD disc. Normally, one title is assigned to one movie. When a disc has two or more titles, they are numbered in sequence as title 1, title 2, etc.
A title on a DVD is subdivided into smaller divisions. They are refered as “chapters” and numbered in sequence. They are useful for quick location of the desired scene on a movie etc.
Tunes (or pictures) recorded on a CD or Video CD are refered as “tracks”. Tracks are numbered in sequence as track 1, track 2, etc. They are useful for quick search for the desired tune (or picture).
Some track on a Video CD or CD is subdivided into smaller divisions (such as, for example, the movements within classical symphonies) for easier location of those parts. They are refered as “indexes” and numbered in sequence.
Dolby Digital
Dolby Digital is a digital audio format which mainly provides
DTS (Digital Theater Systems) is also a
Linear PCM
A basic digital audio format used in CDs. It is based on Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), an
MPEG 1 audio
A digital audio format mainly used in Video CDs. It is based on the MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group) 1 format, a data compression technology.
MPEG 2 audio
A digital audio format mainly used in Europe, Australia, etc. It provides us
Playback control
This function is recorded on a Video CD, version 2.0. Pictures, music and information you want to play back can be selected on a screen menu shown on the TV monitor.