3 Save the voice to the Custom voice area.
Select SAVE page and save to the VA Custom Voice locations,
different from the normal voices (User Voice).
You can name the voice you created as well as you do for the normal
The operation and the number of letters for naming are the same as the
one for normal voices.
Name the voice "02 Shaku&Koto" here.
Up to 16 letters can be used to name your newly created voice.
Yamaha recommends you to add the Custom (user) voice number to the
voice you created. When displayed on the LCD or when reediting the voice,
you may become unsure which user voice you are editing.
If you name a voice "Trumpet," the Voice Display simply shows it "(c)
Trumpet." It will be difficult for you to know to which user number the
voice is saved.
If you add the appropriate user number to the created voice, you can easily
understand the voice's derivation.
Up to 6 user voice locations, Custom voices, are available for the VA
All the Custom voice locations are tentatively preset with voices as
factory preset. Those voices will be overwritten and cleared, when you
save your own voices to the locations. If you want to keep a certain
preset voice intact, select another location to save your voice.
Resetting the Custom (VA user) voices
to the factory presets:
Power-On reset operation restores original
voices. If you don't want to restore and
you want to keep some of them with your
voices, you can save the original voices to
a disk in advance and reload the voice(s)
one by one from it to Electone.