Page/Section Voice Name Preset Comments
Feet Effect
16. Pedal Organ Bass 1 8' - Combination organ bass.
ORGAN BASS Organ Bass 2 16' - Pipe organ bass 1. Standard type.
Organ Bass 3 16' - For jazz. 16'.
Organ Bass 4 16' - Pipe organ bass 2. Full coupler.
17. Upper/Lower Piano 1 8' - For multi purposes.
PIANO Piano 2 8' - Brighter sounds. CP80 type.
Honkytonk 8' - Honky tonk piano.
Elec. Piano 1 8' Cele. DX7 type.
Elec. Piano 2 8' Cele. Old fashioned, full bodied electric piano.
Elec. Piano 3 8' - Electric piano with clearly brilliant but deep sounds.
Elec. Piano 4 8' - Bright and brilliant electric piano.
Harpsichord 8' - Standard cembalo.
Clavi. 16' - Funky clavi.
Clavichord 8' - Clavichord with stable and grave sounds.
18. Upper/Lower Guitar 1 U16'/L8' - Folk guitar. Steel string.
GUITAR Guitar 2 U16'/L8' - Acoustic jazz guitar. Tone varies depending on the touch.
Guitar 3 U16'/L8' - Classic guitar. Suitable to backing for bossanova.
12Str. Guitar U16/L8 - 12-string classic guitar with gorgeous sounds.
Banjo 8' - For country and dixieland.
Mandolin 8' Cele. Standard mandolin.
Sitar 8' - Indian sitar with the different resonances between lower and mid./high ranges.
Shamisen 8' - Japanese classical shamisen.
Elec. Guitar 1 U16'/L8' - For backing.
Elec. Guitar 2 U16'/L8' - For solo playing.
Muted Guitar U16'/L8' - Muted guitar.
Dist. Guitar U16'/L8' - Distorted guitar.
Harp 8' - Grand harp.
Steel Guitar 8' - Hawaiian guitar. Effective when used with the glide function.
Koto 8' - Japanese Koto.
Taisho Koto 4' Cele. Japanese Taisho Koto.
19. Upper/Lower Vibraphone 8' - Standard vibraphone.
VIBRAPHONE Glocken 4' - Glockenspiel.
Celesta 4' - Celesta.
Music Box 4' - Antique music box.
Marimba 8' - Concert marimba.
Xylophone 4' - Tone varies depending on the initial touch.
Chime 4' - Chime.
Synth. Chime 8' Cele. Starry chime.
Steel Drum 8' - Steel Drum.
20. Pedal Elec. Bass 1 8' - For multi purposes.
ELECTRIC BASS Elec. Bass 2 16' - Slap bass.
Elec. Bass 3 16' - Plucked bass with hard attack.
Elec. Bass 4 16' Cele. Fretless bass, also suited for solo playing.
Elec. Bass 5 16' - Expressive Electric bass.
Synth. Bass 1 16' - Sustained sounds.
Synth. Bass 2 16' - With remarkable attack.
Synth. Bass 3 16' - Tone varies depending on the touch.
Synth. Bass 4 16' - Resonant synth. bass.
Synth. Bass 5 16' - Synth. Bass suitable for playing gradually changing sounds.
21. Upper/Lower Cosmic 1 4' - Decay type. For multi purposes. UK in Basic Regist. 4.
COSMIC Cosmic 2 8' - The lower register of celesta. LK and PK in Basic Regist. 4.
Cosmic 3 8' - Brass type.LK in Basic Regist. 5.
Cosmic 4 8' - Decay type. With fantastic image.
Cosmic 5 8' - Spacious sounds with feedback.
Cosmic 6 8' - Synth. brass type.
Cosmic 7 8' - Vocal type with feedback.
Cosmic 8 8' - Distortion type with feedback.
Cosmic 9 8' - Decay type with unique feedback.
Cosmic 10 8' - Clear synth. pad.
Cosmic 11 8' - Digital synth. pad.
Cosmic 12 8' - Chorus type synth. pad.
Cosmic 13 8' - Special sound effect with a slower attack. The sounds drastically changes.
Cosmic 14 8' - Fantastic digital music box.
Cosmic 15 8' - Ethnic synth. percussion.
Cosmic 16 16' - Special sound effect with a complicated mixture of various sounds.