8MIDI Out filter
Unnecessary MIDI data can be filtered out when you play the Electone
using an external sequencing software (PC).
The MIDI Out filter function is equipped with the Electone not to response to
unnecessary MIDI data. An additional MIDI Control page is used for this
An external MIDI device that receives the MIDI data should have the filtering
function when the horizontal touch and aftertouch are unnecessary. If the device
doesn't have this function, use the MIDI Out Filter on the Electone.

The Messages to be filtered:

Horizontal Touch Message
Even when you don't intend to, Electone's FSV keyboards always send
out the horizontal touch messages. You need to cut the data if you use
the tone generators like MU series, since they receive the messages and
produce the sounds that are applied with pitch bend function.
After Touch Message
Also, even when you don't intend to, Electone's FSV keyboards always
send out the aftertouch messages. In addition to the normal aftertouch,
VA aftertouch (Control no. 16) is sent out. If you don't need them you
can cut them.
2nd Expression Pedal Message
This message is transmitted as the Control no. 4. If you don't need the
control no. 4 you can cut it.
Rhythm Start/Stop Messages
Electone can transmit the realtime messages FA (start) and FC (stop).
When working with an external sequencer, the sequencer may respond to
those messages. You can avoid it with this message set to off.
MU series:
XG tone generators from Yamaha. EL-900
has built in MU50 type tone generator
exclusive for XG playback.
VA Aftertouch:
Exclusive to VA tone generation system
and can be applied only to Upper
The message of the 2nd expression pedal
is different from the normal MIDI pitch
bend messages.
This MIDI Out Filter function is effective
for the external connected devices and not
effective for the M.D.R. recording.