NUAGE FADER Operation Manual 3
IntroductionHow to Read the Manual
Types and Contents
• Getting Started
This is the manual included with the device. Read this
manual when setting up the device.
• Operation Manual
This is the PDF manual downloaded from the website.
Read this manual when needing information about the
functions and how to use the device.
• Brackets and quotation marks
Brackets ([ ]) and quotation marks (“ ”) around names and
phrases in this manual are used to indicate the following.
• Windows or Mac
When the procedures or explanations are specific to only
one of the platforms, Windows or Mac, this is properly
indicated in the manual. When the platforms do not
appear, procedures or explanations are for both Windows
and Mac.
• Procedures
“” appears on some procedures in the manual. For
example, the string “Devices” “Device Setup”
“Control Panel” indicates that you should perform the
procedures in the following order.
1. Click the “Devices” menu.
2. Select the “Device Setup” option.
3. Click the “Control Panel” button.
• Keyboard Shortcuts
[Windows modifier key]/ [Mac modifier key] + [key] shows
the shortcut keys. For example, [Ctrl]/ [command] + [Z]
means “press [Ctrl] under Windows or [command] under
Mac, then press [Z].”
• Screens
This manual predominantly uses screenshots of Windows.
However, Mac screenshots are used when instructions of
the function apply only to the Mac. Also, this manual uses
screenshots of Nuendo 6. If you are using another version
of Nuendo, the actual screenshots might not be the same.
For details, refer to the Nuendo manuals (PDF) opened
from the “Help” menu.
Nuendo References
For brevity, the descriptions of Nuendo functions in this
manual have been kept simple and basic. For details on
Nuendo functions, refer to the Nuendo manuals (PDF)
opened from the “Help” menu.
Mark Indication target
[ ] • Buttons, switches, indicators, terminals, etc. on the
• Keys on a computer keyboard.
“ “ • Menus, buttons, tabs, areas, windows, etc. on a
computer window or software window.
• Excerpts of messages, function n ames, terms in
the manual, etc.