1.5 Program Change
1100nnnn Cn Status n= channel number
0ppppppp pp Program No. p=0~127
Program Change messages are not received when the Part
Parameter setting Rcv PROGRAM CHANGE = OFF.
other than 0~28 are ignored.
1.6 Channel Aftertouch
1101nnnn Dn Status n= channel number
0vvvvvvv vv Value v=0~127
With the default settings, this has no function.
Channel Aftertouch messages are not received when the
Part Parameter setting Rcv CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH =
1.7 Pitch Bend Change
1110nnnn En Status n= channel number
0lllllll ll Value LSB
0mmmmmmm mm Value MSB
Pitch Bend Change messages are not received when the Part
Parameter setting Rcv PITCH BEND CHANGE = OFF.
2. Channel Mode Messages2.1 All Sound Off
1011nnnn Bn Status n= channel number
01111000 78 Control No.
00000000 00 Control Value
All sounding notes on the corresponding channel will be
However the status of channel messages such as Note On
and Hold On will be maintained.
2.2 Reset All Controllers
1011nnnn Bn Status n= channel number
01111001 79 Control No.
00000000 00 Control Value
The values of the following controllers will change.
Controller Setting value
Pitch Bend Range +/–0 (center)
Channel Aftertouch 0 (off)
Polyphonic Aftertouch 0 (off)
Modulation 0 (off)
Expression 127(maximum)
Hold 0 (off)
Portamento 0 (off)
Sostenuto 0 (off)
Soft Pedal 0 (off)
Portamento Control Reset the Portamento Source
Note number that was received
RPN Number un-specified, internal
data not changed.
NRPN Number un-specified, internal
data not changed.
2.3 All Note Off
1011nnnn Bn Status n= channel number
01111011 7B Control No.
00000000 00 Control Value
All notes of the corresponding channel that are currently on
will be turned off.
However if Hold1 or Sostenuto are on, the sound will con-
tinue until these are off.
2.4 Omni Off
1011nnnn Bn Status n= channel number
01111100 7C Control No.
00000000 00 Control Value
This performs the same processing as when All Note Off is
2.5 Omni On
1011nnnn Bn Status n= channel number
01111101 7D Control No.
00000000 00 Control Value
This performs the same processing as when All Note Off is
2.6 Mono
1011nnnn Bn Status n= channel number
01111110 7E Control No.
00000000 00 Control Value
This performs the same processing as when All Sound Off
is received, and if the 3rd byte (the mono number) is in the
range 0~16, sets the instrument to Mode 4 (m=1).
2.7 Poly
1011nnnn Bn Status n= channel number
01111111 7E Control No.
00000000 00 Control Value
This performs the same processing as when All Sound Off
is received, and sets the instrument to Mode 3.
3. System Exclusive Messages3.1 Parameter Changes
This instrument receives the following parameter changes.
1) Master Volume
1) General MIDI Mode On
1) XG System on
2) XG System Data parameter change
3) Multi Effect1 Data parameter change
4) Part Data parameter change
[ P50-m NATIVE ]
1) P50-m System data parameter change
2) Remote switch
[ Other ]
1) Master tuning
3.1.1 Universal Realtime Messages Master Volume
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01111111 7F Universal Real Time
01111111 7F ID of target device
00000100 04
Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
00000001 01 Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
0sssssss ss Volume LSB
0ttttttt tt Volume MSB
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01111111 7F Universal Real Time
0xxxnnnn xn Device No.xxx = don’t care