1.4.13 Release Time
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
72 Release Time
0~127 (0:–64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
This adjusts the Envelope Release Time specified by the
voice. Since it is a relative change parameter, it produces an
increase or decrease relative to a mid-point of 64.
1.4.14 Attack Time
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
73 Attack Time
0~127 (0:–64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
This parameter adjusts the Envelope Attack Time specified
by the voice. Since it is a relative change parameter, it pro-
duces an increase or decrease relative to a mid-point of 64.
1.4.15 Brightness
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
74 Brightness
0~127 (0:–64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
This parameter adjusts the Cutoff Frequency specified by
the voice. Since it is a relative change parameter, it pro-
duces an increase or decrease relative to a mid-point of 64.
Decreasing the value will make the sound more mellow.
For some voices, the effective range may be narrower than
the range of settings.
Since this parameter is remembered for each voice, the
Brightness value is stored for the currently selected voice
number, and when you change the voice number the
Brightness value will also change.
Since the Brightness which can be adjusted from the panel
is an absolute adjustment, it will not match the value set
using this parameter.
When a Brightness value of 64(+0) is received, the value
indicated on the panel will be the ideal value for the
currently selected voice.
1.4.16 Portamento Control
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
Portamento Control
When transmitting Portamento Control, you specify a
currently-sounding Note On key.
The value 0~127 specifies the Portamento Source Key
number. When Portamento Control is received, the currently
sounding note will change at a Portamento Time of 0 to the
key of the Note On that is received next on the same channel.
This is received even if Rcv PORTAMENTO = OFF.
1.4.17 Effect1 Depth (Reverb Send Level)
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
91 Effect1 Depth 0~127
This sets the send level to the Reverb effect.
Since this parameter is remembered independently for each
voice, the Reverb Send Level value of the currently selected
voice number will be stored, and when the voice number is
changed the Reverb Send Level value will also change.
1.4.18 Effect3 Depth ( Chorus Send Level )
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
93 Effect3 Depth 0~127
This sets the send level to the Chorus effect.
When the voice number is changed, this will change to the
value that is preset for each voice number.
1.4.19 Data Increment/Decrement (for RPN)
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
96 RPN Increment 0~127
97 RPN Decrement 0~127
The data bytes are ignored.
These messages increment/decrement the MSB values of
Pitch Bend Sensitivity, Fine Tune, or Coarse Tune in steps
of 1. When the value being incremented/decremented
reaches is maximum/minimum value, further change will
not occur. (Nor will incrementing Fine Tune to the maxi-
mum value cause the Coarse Tune to be incremented, etc.)
1.4.20 NRPN (Non-registered Parameter Numbers)
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
98 NRPN LSB 0~127
99 NRPN MSB 0~127
NRPN is not received if the Part Parameter setting Rcv
First transmit the NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB to specify
the parameter which is to be controlled, then specify the
parameter which is to be controlled, and then use Data
Entry to set the value of the specified parameter.
Now the next NRPN can be received.
NRPN Data entry
MSB LSB MSB Parameter name and range of values
01H 08H mmH Vibrato Rate
mm : 00H~40H~7FH (–64~0~+63)
01H 09H mmH Vibrato Depth
mm : 00H~40H~7FH (–64~0~+63)
01H 0AH mmH Vibrato Delay
mm : 00H~40H~7FH (–64~0~+63)
01H 20H mmH Filter Cutoff Frequency
mm : 00H~40H~7FH (–64~0~+63)
01H 21H mmH Filter Resonance
mm : 00H~40H~7FH (–64~0~+63)
01H 63H mmH EG Attack Time
mm : 00H~40H~7FH (–64~0~+63)
01H 64H mmH EG Decay Time
mm : 00H~40H~7FH (–64~0~+63)
01H 66H mmH EG Release Time
mm : 00H~40H~7FH (–64~0~+63)
1.4.21 RPN (Registered Parameter Numbers)
Cntrl No. parameter Data Range
100 RPN LSB 0~127
101 RPN MSB 0~127
Default:LSB=127, MSB=127
This is not received by a Part if its Part Parameter setting
Rcv RPN = OFF.
The next RPN can be received.
RPN Data entry
Parameter name and range of values
00H 00H mmH — Pitch Bend Sensitivity
mm:00~18H(0~2 semitones)
Settable in semitone steps up to 2
The LSB value is ignored.
00H 01H mmH 11H Fine Tuning
00H 02H mmH — Coarse Tuning
(–24~+24 semitones)
The LSB value is ignored.
7FH 7FH — — RPN null
This message specifies a condition in which RPN and
NRPN numbers are un-set.
Values of internal settings will not change.