Format de données MIDI
338 Mode d'emploi du PM5D/PM5D-RH Section Références
[Recovery from bulk data to actual data]
d[0. 6]: actual data
b[0. 7]: bulk data
for( I=0; I<7; I++){
b[0] <<= 1;
d[I] = b[I+1]+(0x80&b[0]);


This message is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON.
This message is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and [Rx CH] matches
the Device number included in the SUB STATUS. When a parameter change is
received, the specified parameter will be controlled. When a parameter request
is received, the current value of the specified parameter will be transmitted as a
parameter change with its Device Number as the [Rx CH].
If [Parameter change TX] is ON, and you edit a parameter for which control
change transmission has not been enabled, a parameter change will be
transmitted with the [Tx CH] as its device number.
In response to a parameter request, a parameter change will be transmitted with
[Rx CH] as its device number.

4.1 Current Scene, Setup, Backup, Window control,

Input Patch, Output Patch, HA Data

Parameter change

4.1.1 Format
This message is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and [Rx CH] matches
the Device number included in the SUB STATUS.
This message is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON.
When the message is received, the specified parameter will be edited.
If [Parameter change Tx] is ON, this message is transmitted with the [Device
Number] specified by the [Tx CH] when you edit a parameter that is not
assigned in the [Control change assign table].
4.1.2 Data categories

4.2 Current Scene, Setup, Backup, Window control,

Input Patch, Output Patch, HA Data

Parameter request

4.2.1 Format
This message is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and [Rx CH] matches
the Device number included in the SUB STATUS.
This message is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON.
When this is received, the value of the specified parameter is transmitted as a
Parameter Change.
4.2.2 Data categories

4.3 Function Call Library Store/Recall

(Parameter change)

4.3.1 Format
This message is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and [Rx CH] matches
the Device number included in the SUB STATUS.
This message is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON.
When the message is received, the specified parameter will be edited.
If [Parameter change Tx] is ON, this message is transmitted with a [Device
Number] of the [Tx CH].
Command rx/tx function
F0 43 1n 3E 0F … F7
rx/tx PM5D native parameter change
F0 43 3n 3E 0F … F7
rx/tx PM5D native parameter request
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufactures ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E Digital mixer
MODEL ID 00001111 0F PM5D
0ccccccc cc
DATA 0eeeeeee ee Element No *1
0iiiiiii ii Index No *2
0ccccccc cc Channel No *3
0ddddddd dd data
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive
*1 If ee is 0, the Element No. is extended by two bytes.
*2 If ii is 0, the Index No. is extended by two bytes.
*3 If cc is 0, the Channel No. is extended by two bytes.
0x01 00000001 Current Scene Data
0x03 00000011 Setup Data
0x04 00000100 Backup Data
0x05 00000101 Window Control Data
0x06 00000110 Input patch Data
0x07 00000111 Output patch Data
0x08 00001000 HA Data
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufactures ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 3n n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E Digital mixer
MODEL ID 00001111 0F PM5D
DATA Category 0ccccccc cc
DATA 0eeeeeee ee Element No *1
0iiiiiii ii Index No *1
0ccccccc cc Channel No *1
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive
*1See 4.1.1
0x01 00000001 Current Scene Data
0x03 00000011 Setup Data
0x04 00000100 Backup Data
0x06 00000110 Input patch Data
0x07 00000111 Output patch Data
0x08 00001000 HA Data
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufactures ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E Digital mixer
MODEL ID 00001111 0F PM5D
FUNCTION NAME 01001100 "L" (ASCII CODE) See 4.3.2
01101001 "i"(ASCII CODE)
01100010 "b"(ASCII CODE)
0fffffff ff (ASCII CODE)
0fffffff ff (ASCII CODE)
0fffffff ff (ASCII CODE)
0fffffff ff (ASCII CODE)
0fffffff ff (ASCII CODE)
MODULE NAME 0mmmmmmm mm (ASCII CODE) See 4.3.3
0mmmmmmm mm (ASCII CODE)
0mmmmmmm mm (ASCII CODE)
0mmmmmmm mm (ASCII CODE)
0mmmmmmm mm (ASCII CODE)
0mmmmmmm mm (ASCII CODE)
0mmmmmmm mm (ASCII CODE)
0mmmmmmm mm (ASCII CODE)
DATA 0mmmmmmm mh number High
0mmmmmmm ml number Low
0ccccccc ch channel High
0ccccccc cl channel Low
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive