Performance Mode
You can edit the zones used by Performances in Master
Keyboard Mode. Use Knob [A] (or BANK [A]~[D]
keys) to select the zone (1 to 4), then set the zone’s
parameters. The following eight screens are available
for Master Keyboard parameters.
You can choose zones if “4zone” has been selected as
the Mode at the GEN M.Kbd screen (Page 108), and if
the [MASTER KEYBOARD] key LED is lit.
Master keyboard
MKB Transmit (Master Keyboard Transmit)
MKB Note (Master Keyboard Note)
MKB TxSw1 (Master Keyboard Transmit Switch 1)
MKB TxSw2 (Master Keyboard Transmit Switch 2)
MKB TxSw3 (Master Keyboard Transmit Switch 3)
MKB TxSw4 (Master Keyboard Transmit Switch 4)
MKB TxPreset1 (Master Keyboard Transmit Preset 1)
MKB TxPreset2 (Master Keyboard Transmit Preset 2)
MKB Assign (Master Keyboard Assign)

Master keyboard

MKB Transmit (Master Keyboard Transmit)

You can set parameters for transmitting keyboard data
when in Master Keyboard Mode.
TrnsCh (Transmit Channel)
Set the MIDI Transmit Channel for each zone.
Settings: 1 ~ 16
TG (Tone Generator)
Select whether or not to transmit MIDI messages for
each zone to each Part’s tone generator.
Settings: off, on
MIDI (MIDI Transmit)
Select whether or not to transmit MIDI messages to
each zone’s MIDI Out port.
Settings: off, on

MKB Note (Master Keyboard Note)

You can set Octave, Transpose, Note Limit (key range)
for each zone in Master Keyboard Mode.
MKBíNote)Octave Transpose Note Limit
Zone01 +1 +11 C-2 - G 8
MKBíTransmit) TrnsCh TG MIDI
Zone01 1 on on
Shift the note range of each zone up or down (in
Settings: -3 ~ 0 (Default) ~ +3
Transpose the note range of each zone up or down
(in semitones).
Settings: -11 ~ 0 (Default) ~ +11
Note Limit
Set the upper and lower notes in each zone’s note
Settings: C-2 ~ G8 (for both upper and lower notes)
You can also select this parameter by pressing each note
while holding down the [SHIFT] key.

MKB TxSw1 (Master Keyboard

Transmit Switch 1)

For each zone, you can enable/disable the transmission
of messages for the Pitch Bend Wheel, Modulation
Wheel, Knobs [A] to [C] and Knob [1]/[2].
PB (Pitch Bend Wheel): off, on
MW (Modulation Wheel): off, on
KnobA-C (Knobs [A] to [C]):off, on
Knob1/2 (Knob [1]/[2]): off, on

MKB TxSw2 (Master Keyboard

Transmit Switch 2)

For each zone, you can enable/disable the transmission
of messages for the Foot Controller and Aftertouch.
FC (Foot Controller): off, on
AT (Aftertouch): off, on

MKB TxSw3 (Master Keyboard

Transmit Switch 3)

For each zone, you can enable/disable the transmission
of messages for the Foot Switch, Volume and Pan.
FS (Foot Switch):off, on
Vol (Volume):off, on
Pan: off, on
MKBíTxSw3) FS Vol Pan
Zone01 on on on
Zone01 on on
MKBíTxSw1) PB MW KnobA-C Knob1-2
Zone01 off on on on