No. Exclusive Effect Type Description
1 00 00 NO EFFECT Effect turned off.
2 01 00 HALL1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall.
3 01 01 HALL2 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall.
4 02 00 ROOM1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
5 02 01 ROOM2 Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
6 02 02 ROOM3 Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
7 03 00 STAGE1 Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument.
8 03 01 STAGE2 Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument.
9 04 00 PLATE Reverb simulating a metal plate reverb unit.
10 05 00 DELAY L,C,R A program that creates three delay sounds; L, R, and C (center).
11 06 00 DELAY L,R A program that creates two delay sounds; L and R. Two feedback delays are provided.
12 07 00 ECHO Two delays (L and R) and independent feedback delays for L and R.
13 08 00 CROSS DELAY A program that crosses the feedback of two delays.
14 09 00 ER1 An effect that produces only the early reflection component of reverb.
15 09 01 ER2 An effect that produces only the early reflection component of reverb.
16 0A 00 GATE REVERB A simulation of gated reverb.
17 0B 00 REVERSE GATE A program that simulates gated reverb played backwards.
18 14 00 KARAOKE 1 A delay with feedback of the same type as used for karaoke reverb.
19 14 01 KARAOKE 2 A delay with feedback of the same type as used for karaoke reverb.
20 14 02 KARAOKE 3 A delay with feedback of the same type as used for karaoke reverb.
21 41 00 CHORUS1 A conventional chorus program, providing natural spaciousness.
22 41 01 CHORUS2 A conventional chorus program, providing natural spaciousness.
23 41 02 CHORUS3 A conventional chorus program, providing natural spaciousness.
24 42 00 CELESTE1 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
25 42 01 CELESTE2 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
26 42 02 CELESTE3 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
27 43 00 FLANGER1 Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
28 43 01 FLANGER2 Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
29 44 00 SYMPHONIC A multi-phase version of CELESTE.
30 45 00 ROTARY SPEAKER A simulation of a rotary speaker.
31 46 00 TREMOLO An effect that cyclically modulates the volume.
32 47 00 AUTO PAN A program that cyclically moves the sound image to left and right, front and back.
33 48 00 PHASER Cyclically changes the phase to add modulation to the sound.
34 49 00 DISTORTION Adds a sharp-edged distortion to the sound.
35 4A 00 OVERDRIVE Adds mild distortion to the sound.
36 4B 00 AMP SIMULATOR A simulation of a guitar amp.
37 4C 00 3-BAND EQ(MONO) A mono EQ with adjustable LOW, MID, and HIGH equalizing.
38 4D 00 2-BAND EQ(STEREO) A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW and HIGH.
39 4E 00 AUTO WAH(LFO) Cyclically modulates the center frequency of a wah filter.
40 50 00 PITCH CHANGE This program changes the pitch of the input signal.
41 51 00 AURAL EXCITER This effect adds new overtones to the input signal to make the sound stand out.
42 52 00 TOUCH WAH This program modifies the center frequency of a wah filter according to the input level.
43 52 01 TOUCH WAH+DIST This program adds distortion to the output of the Touch Wah effect.
44 53 00 COMPRESSOR This program restricts the output level when the input signal exceeds a specified level.
It can be used to reduce the sense of attack.
45 54 00 NOISE GATE This program gates the input when the input signal falls below a specified level.
46 40 00 THRU Bypass without applying an effect.
* Aural Exciter® is a registered trademark and is manufactured under license from Aphex Systems, Ltd.
No. Exclusive Effect Type Description
1 40 00 THRU Bypass without applying an effect.
2 49 00 DISTORTION Adds a sharp-edged distortion to the sound.
3 4A 00 OVER DRIVE Adds mild distortion to the sound.
4 4C 00 3-BAND EQ(MONO) A mono EQ with adjustable LOW, MID, and HIGH equalizing.