No. Voice Name Note Range Comment
035 BrtVioln C0 - C6 A bright violin sound.
036 MuteViol C0 - C6 The sound of a violin with an attached mute.
037 BrtViola C0 - C6 A bright viola sound, extending from cello range to violin range.
038 ViolOutt C0 - C6 Bowed-string sound with a sliding feel to the bow.
039 Cello! C0 - C5 Cello simulation.
040 Eleanor C0 - C5 The sound of a cello being played in the center of the string. Becomes a wind
instrument-like sound in the high register.
041 Nu Cello B-1 - C6 Cello variation sound.
042 Contrair A-1 - C5 String bass simulation.
043 DoublBow A-1 - C5 A string bass that is fairly close to a wind instrument.
044 Piccolo! C0 - C7 Simulaton of piccolo.
045 Piccol!2 C0 - C7 Another piccolo.
046 BowPicol C0 - G6 A piccolo flute sound with a bowed string flavor.
047 C Flute C0 - C6 Flute simulation. Editing the controller settings to increase the breath noise
depth will change the nuance of the sound.
048 C Flute2 C0 - C6 Another flute simulation.
049 JazFlute B-1 - C6 Flute sound suitable for jazz.
050 OakFlute E0 - C6 Flute sound with hard wooden resonance.
051 BtlFlut2 C0 - C6 Flute-type bottle sound.
052 RzdeFlt E0 - C6 Expressive resonant flutey sound.
053 Flutuen G1 - C6 Heavily filtered, synth flute/woodwind lead.
054 Nz Flute C0 - C6 Flute sound with large noise component.
055 WX Shaku C1 - C6 Shakuhachi sound suitable for performance with a wind controller.
056 Pan Pipe E0 - G5 Pan flute simulation. It is effective to edit the controller settings so that growl
can be applied.
057 PanPicol C0 - G6 Another pan flute sound with a beautiful high register.
058 Bamboo C0 - C6 The sound of a bamboo pipe.
059 Andean C0 - C6 The sound of a wooden or bamboo flute such as the quena.
060 Flurinet F0 - C6 Clarinet with flute mouthpiece.
061 SoftReed C0 - C6 A sound that mixes oboe with soprano sax, but having a unique feel pos-
sessed by neither instrument.
062 Flurmod F0 - B5 New hybrid, woody reed flute. Keep high breath pressure and hard tonguing
when playing in upper mode (with PB = max).
063 Jhopali G0 - C5 New accordion/hurdy gurdy hybrid with unique AT controlled fifth’s undertone.
Play ethnic style melodies, playing with hard finger pressure to bounce off the
aftertouch sensor to emphasize selected notes with the fifth undertone.
064 Baroquen C0 - C6 A nostalgic sound combining a flute and reed instrument. Try a slow build-up
of breath for refined elegance.
065 SquealAT C0 - C6 Pipe-type synth-lead sound. Try using AT to create extreme performance