No. Voice Name Note Range Comment
099 PhilTur B-1 - C6 Bright, resonant synth brass lead with accentuated filter dynamic range.
100 ChalPuls B-1 - C6 Synth lead with an indefinably “acoustic” atmosphere.
101 Pluck Ld B-1 - C6 Speedy Synthlead with Guitarlike attack.
102 Brassyn B-1 - C6 Bright analog synthbrass.
103 AcoSynLd A-1 - C6 Analog synth lead-type sound with an acoustic flavor.
104 Moby G-1 - F5 A strange sound in which gradual application of AT increases the fundamental.
The key lies in how you use AT.
105 Digitrn C0 - C6 Digital wavetable style wind controller synth lead.
106 LyricOff B-1 - C6 Pulse wave style analog wind controller synth lead.
107 Rezzawi B-1 - G5 Bright, resonant sawtooth style analog wind controller synth lead.
108 Macro B-1 - C6 Assignable Controller(CC#16) control of harmonic enhancer gives a variety of
109 Claribo G#-1 - G5 AT controls brightness
110 Binaphon C0 - C6 New acoustic model. Clarinet style voice.
111 MokoPipe C0 - C6 Somewhere around Uillean pipes.
112 AliBaba B-1 - C6 Play with lots of PB. Try controlling vibrato from Pitch Wheel.
113 Persinet B-1 - G5 Single reed new acoustic model.
114 PicoPipe G#0 - C6 Try using lots of PB embouchure control.
115 Gertrude C0 - C6 Ethnic wood wind sound.
116 Xynth G-1 - C6 Woodwind guitar synth thing.
117 Duality G-1 - C6 Synth wind instrument.
118 AltKwek G#1 - C7 New hybrid, double reed driven cynlindrical metal woodwind (oboe reed and a
piccolo body).
119 Softblow C0 - C6 Gentle sax type sound.
120 AlbaPipe C0 - C6 Boxy sounding double reed with additional lower octave undertone.
121 Electrum C0 - C6 Expressive brass like sound.
122 Edgeopho B-1 - F5 Somewhere between a ’30s saxophone and distorted blues harmonica. PB
control of embouchure is inverted.
123 BassCla! C0 - C6 A simulation of Bass Clarinet.
124 WX Clari C1 - C6 Clarinet sound suitable for performance with a wind controller.
125 WX Oboe C0 - B5 Oboe sound suitable for performance with a wind controller.
126 WX J Gtr C0 - A4 Jazz guitar sound suitable for performance with a wind controller. Breath
character simulates string muting.
127 Shakuha! C1 - C6 A shakuhachi simulation. Moving CC#13 produces the upper (falsetto)
128 LipClari F-1 - C6 LipClari Imaginary instrument simulating a trumpet mouthpiece blown through
a clarinet body.