No. Voice Name Note Range Comment
066 NuSopSax C0 - G5 Mellow pop/fusion style soprano sax. Use (-) PB for “scoop” effect and (+) PB
for “growl” effect.
067 CvSopSax A-1 - C6 Simulation of a curved body-type soprano sax.
068 SoprPipe F0 - C6 Soprano sax sound close to a clarinet.
069 LiteSopr E0 - C6 Light feeling sax sound in the soprano-alto range.
070 AnaSoprn F0 - C6 Mid-way between a graceful analog synth sound and a soprano sax.
071 NuAltSax C0 - C5 Bright pop/rock/fusion style alto sax. Use (-) PB for “scoop” effect and (+) PB
for “growl” effect.
072 SweetAlt F#0 - E5 Sweet-sounding alto sax simulation.
073 AltoSax! E0 - C6 Simulation of a conventional alto sax.
074 HarpAlto G0 - C6 Strongly processed sax sound, with harmonica-like formants.
075 HarpAlt2 G0 - C6 Sax sound with different processing.
076 GlassAlt C0 - C6 Alto sax sound with emphasized glass-like resonance.
077 AcidSax C0 - C6 Distorted acid sax - use BC for attack, FC (CC#4) controlls Tonguing...normal
playing with FC (CC#4) at full. Lowering softens tonguing.
078 WackSax G#0 - E5 Bizarre tenor sax - BC heavily affects characteristics of tone. PB controls
pitch and embouchure slightly. AT controls throat and scream.
079 NuTenrSx D0 - E5 Bright pop/rock/fusion style breathy tenor sax. Use (-) PB for “scoop” effect
and (+) PB for “growl” effect.
080 MildTenr C0 - C6 A conventional tenor sax sound.
081 Jazz Sax A#0 - E5 Sax sound suitable for jazz.
082 TenorSub A#0 - A5 Sax sound with a sub-tone, suitable for blues.
083 BellMike C0 - C5 The sound of a sax recorded by a mic near the bell.
084 GlasTenr G0 - E5 Tenor sax sound with emphasized glass-like resonance.
085 FnkyTenr C0 - G5 An unstable tenor sax sound suitable for funky solos. Assign the Throat
Formant to a suitable controller, and try adding a throat effect when appropri-
086 OldTenor C0 - A5 The kind of tenor sax sound heard on old jazz records.
087 BrtTenor C0 - C6 Bright and tight tenor sax sound. Suitable for performance with a wind
088 BariSax! C0 - C5 Simulation of Baritone sax
089 VoxoSaxo C0 - C5 Breathy, vocal character, synthetic saxophone-like woodwind.
090 Oboe! F0 - C6 Simulation of Oboe.
091 Oboe!2 C0 - C6 Another oboe.
092 Noboe C0 - G5 New hybrid/synthetic double reed.
093 OboeWhi G1 - G6 Oboe/whistle mix. PB up raises embouchure - all the way up is one octave
above the fundamental. PB down decreases the embouchure and pitch.
094 DblReedy C0 - A5 Mysterious sound mixing a double-reed instrument with a “kokyu” (classical
Asian bowed string instrument).
095 TripleRd C0 - C6 New syncoustic reed, with hybrid Oboe and Harmonica character.
096 EngHorn! C0 - C6 Simulation of English horn