Manual background


Downflow Economizer - (With barometric relief) - The economizer is provided with a single enthalpy input. The economizer is 2% low leakage type, and is shipped installed and wired. The installer needs only to assemble and mount the outdoor air hood (Pro- vided). The economizer has spring return, fully modu- lating damper actuators and is capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As the outdoor air intake dampers open, the return air dampers close. The changeover from mechanical refrigeration to econo- mizer operation is regulated by the standard single enthalpy input. There is an optional input dual dry bulb available. To meet regulated air standards, the economizer control accepts an optional CO2 input for demand ventilation. With single enthalpy input, the economizer control monitors outdoor air. The dual enthalpy kit provides a second input used to monitor the return air. With a dual input kit installed, the econ- omizer control compares the values of the two enthalpy or temperature inputs and positions the dampers to provide the maximum efficiency possible.

Horizontal Economizer - (Without barometric relief) - All features of the downflow economizer exist except you must order the duct mount baro- metric relief separately. You must order a 1EH0408 if you are installing a power exhaust. You can order a 1RD0411 Barometric Relief for horizontal flow economizers only.

Slab Economizer for Energy Recovery Ventila- tors- (With barometric relief and Fresh Air Hood) - The economizer is provided with a single enthalpy input. The economizer is 2% low leakage type, and is shipped installed and wired. The economizer has spring return, fully modulating damper actuators and is capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As the outdoor air intake dampers open, the return air dampers close. The changeover from mechanical refrigeration to economizer operation is regulated by the standard single enthalpy input. There is an optional input dual dry bulb available. To meet regu- lated air standards, the economizer control accepts an optional CO2 input for demand ventilation.With

single enthalpy input, the economizer control moni- tors outdoor air. The dual enthalpy kit provides a second input used to monitor the return air. With a dual input kit installed, the economizer control com- pares the values of the two enthalpy or temperature inputs and positions the dampers to provide the maximum efficiency possible.

Power Exhaust (Downflow only) - This accessory installs in the unit with a down flow economizer.

Motorized Outdoor Air Damper - The motorized out- door air damper includes a slide-in/plug-in damper assembly with an outdoor air hood and filters. The out- door air dampers open to the preset position when the indoor fan motor is energized. The damper has a range of 0% to 100% outdoor air entry. Factory installed option or field installed accessory.

Alternate Indoor Blower Motor - For applications with high static restrictions, units are offered with optional indoor motors that provide higher static output and/or higher airflow, depending upon the installer’s needs.

Aluminized Steel Gas Heat Exchanger - For applica- tions in non-corrosive environments.

Stainless Steel Gas Heat Exchanger - For applications in corrosive environments, this option provides a full stainless steel heat exchanger assembly.

Stainless Steel Drain Pan - Provides years of trouble free operation in corrosive environments.

Electric Heaters - The electric heaters range from 9kW to 54kW and are available in all the voltage options of the base units. All heaters are dual staged. All heaters are intended for single point power supply.

Disconnect Switch - For gas heat units and cooling units with electric heat, a HACR breaker sized to the unit is provided. For cooling only units, a switch sized to the largest electric heat available for the particular unit is provided. Factory installed option only.

Convenience Outlet - (Non-Powered/Powered) - This option locates a 120V single-phase GFCI outlet with cover, on the corner of the unit housing adjacent to the compressors. The “Non-powered” option requires the installer to provide the 120V single-phase power source and wiring. The “Powered” option is powered by a step- down transformer in the unit. Factory installed option only.

Smoke Detectors - The smoke detectors stop operation of the unit by interrupting power to the control board if smoke is detected within the air compartment. Available for both the supply and/or return air.

Factory installed smoke detectors in the return air, may be subjected to freezing temperatures during "off" times due to out side air infiltration. These smoke detectors have an operational limit of 32 °F to 131°F. Smoke detectors installed in areas that could be out side those limitations will have to be moved to prevent having false alarms.

Phase Monitors - Designed to prevent unit damage. The phase monitor will shut the unit down in an out-of phase condition. (Standard on units with Scroll Compressors.)

Coil Guard - Customers can purchase a coil guard kit to protect the condenser coil from damage. Additionally, this kit stops animals and foreign objects from entering the space between the inner condenser coil and the main cabinet. This is not a hail guard kit.

Dirty Filter Switch - This kit includes a differential pres- sure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit ther- mostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high pressure drop across the filters. Factory installed option or field installed accessory.

Unitary Products Group


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York DR090, DR120, DR150 manual YTG-C-0606, Unitary Products Group