Getting Started 43

Set System Preferences

3.In the Printer Display Options area, select the desired printer display option.

4.When you are finished, click OK.

Printer Resolving

ZebraNet Bridge can resolve printers by IP Address or by Host Name. The default setting resolves printers by IP address.

Note • The recommended method is Resolve by IP Address unless it is not supported by your network.

To change printer resolving:

1.From the menu bar, select Preferences > System Settings.

2.Select the Printer Options tab. The Printer Options tab opens.

3.In the Printer Resolving area, select the desired printer resolve option.

4.Click OK.

Firmware Download Options

ZebraNet Bridge can download firmware to groups of printers. The default setting checkbox is unchecked (disabled).

To change firmware download options:

1.From the menu bar, select Preferences > System Settings.

2.Select the Printer Options tab. The Printer Options tab opens.

3.In the Firmware Download Options area, check (enable) the Allow firmware download to groups option.

4.Click OK.

SET-GET-DO Wizard Options

ZebraNet Bridge can automatically create and add file headers. The default setting checkbox is checked (enabled) to create and add file headers.

To change SET-GET-DO Wizard options:

1.From the menu bar, select Preferences > System Settings.


ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise User Guide
