Getting Started 75

Task List Dialog Box

Task List Dialog Box

The Task List dialog box identifies tasks and provides a progress bar for each task. Through the Task List, you may control or cancel any task. A task is a request from the application to a printer or group of printers.

Note • If you request a task for a group of printers, the tasks appear separately in the Task List for each printer.

To cancel a task:

1.In the Task List dialog box, locate the specific task.

2.To the right of the associated progress bar, click Cancel.

To remove a task from the Task List dialog box:

1.In the Task List dialog box, locate the specific task.

2.To the right of the associated progress bar, click Clear.

To clear all tasks from the Task List dialog box:

In the Task List dialog box, click Cleanup.

To open the Task List dialog box:

In the Task List dialog box, select Auto open when a task is added.

To manually launch the Task List window:

In ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise window toolbar, click the Task Manager icon.


ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise User Guide
