Printer Alerts, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting 99

Visual Alerts

Visual Alerts

This feature is available only in the ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise licensed version.

Visual Alerts allow you to view and centrally manage your printers in a graphical representation of your network, whether on the manufacturing floor, in a distribution center, cross-docking facility, or scattered around the globe in multiple facilities. With the ability to drill down through locations to identify trouble printers, you can monitor your top level groups and receive visual notification of issues, before they become problems.

Visual Alerts work in concert with Printer Alerts. You can customize the application to your company’s needs.

Example • If you want to monitor paper out conditions for manufacturing floor printers, you could set up the printer alerts for Paper Out using SNMP. The application monitors SNMP traps for printer alerts. If the Visual Alerts tab is configured, you are graphically alerted to a Paper Out condition for all your manufacturing floor printers.

Default View

Selecting printers and groups in the Group Management window with the Visual Alerts tab selected displays the printers, by default. This is considered the starting point for Visual Alerts configuration.

Before You Begin

It is recommended that you configure printers in their appropriate management groups in the Group Management window before attempting to configure Visual Alerts. By doing so, you significantly reduce the time required to configure Visual Alerts.

Note • The preferred way to configure Visual Alerts is to begin with the top level group in the Group Management window, and then move down through the appropriate management groups.

Important • It is recommended that you save the graphic files that you intend to use in the application’s Resource Management window.

Configure Visual Alerts Tab

It is recommended that you follow these instructions from the top down for configuration of Visual Alerts.

To add a background image to a group:

1.In the Group Management window, select the top level group.


ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise User Guide
