72Getting Started

Profile Management Window

Profile Management Window

This feature is available only in the ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise version.

You can create profiles for a golden printer or for critical printers on your network. Printer profiles are a copy of a printer stored on your PC. Ideally, the source printer has an optimal configuration. The configuration is a combination of printer settings, files, formats, or graphics that you wish to save. You can download this profile to one or many printers simultaneously to expedite an enterprise implementation. Or, you can save the profile in case of a critical printer failure. When replacing a failed printer, install the printer on the network and locate the printer through ZebraNet Bridge. Then, copy the saved printer profile to the new printer.

Note • When copying files from printer to printer, both printers should be at the same firmware version and the same printer model.

Note • Printer profiles do not retrieve or save printer objects from Z: memory.

Important • There are two font types, .tte and .ttf, that are not retrieved from the printer.

Creating and Downloading Printer Profiles

To create a printer profile:

1.In the Group Management window, right-click on a printer.

2.Select Create Profile.

The application opens the Task List dialog box, reads the printer information, and creates the printer profile.

3.Your printer profile might already exist. In that case, a Profile Warning dialog box opens.


ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise User Guide
