Introduc tion
ZP-Series™ Thermal Printers
P1031442-001 ZP 450 User Guide 12/8/2010
ZP-Series™ Thermal PrintersThe Zebra® ZP model is the best value in a desktop thermal printer. The ZP 450™ printer
provides dire ct thermal printing at sp eeds up to 5 ips (inches per second) a t a 203 dpi (d ots per
inch) print density. The ZP 450™ supports both ZPL™ and EPL™ Zebra printer programming
languages an d a wide v ariety of in terface and feature o ptions.
The ZP-Series™ printer features:
• Automatic pr inter lang uage detect ion and swi tching betw een ZPL and EPL progr amming
and label formats.
• OpenAccess ™ design for simplif ied media loading.
• Color-coded op erator controls a nd media guides.
• Zebra™ Globa l Printing So lution – su pports Micro soft Windows keyboard enc oding (and
ANSI), Unicode UTF-8 and UTF 16 (Unicode Transformation Formats), XML, ASCII (7
and 8 bit used by legacy programs and systems), basic single and double byte font
encoding, JIS and Shift-JIS (Japan ese International Standards), Hexadec imal encoding,
and custom character maps (DAT table creation, font linking, and character remapping).
• On–The –Fly O penType and TrueType fo nt scaling an d import, Un icode, prelo aded Swiss
721 Latin 1 font, one r esident scal able font, and a selec tion of re sident bitm ap fonts.
• Improved printer performance: faster print speeds and a 32-bit processor.
• Adaptive auto serial port cable sensing and configuration for plug-and-play integration.
• Printhead test and m aintenance rep orting enabled and customizable b y the user.
The ZP-Series printers offer these basic printer options:
• Label Dispense (Peel-Off).
• Internal 10/100 P rint Server and Eth ernet Interface .
® ZBI 2.0™ (Zebra BASIC Interpreter) programming language. ZBI™ allows you
to create custom printer operatio ns that can automat e processes, us e peripherals (i. e.
scanners, scales, keyboards, Zebra® KDU or KDU P lus™, etc.) all without being attached
to a PC or net work.
This users guide provi des all the i nformatio n you need t o operate yo ur printe r. To create label
formats, refer to your programming guides or label design applications such as
ZebraDesig ner™.
Your printer, when connected to a host computer, functions as a complete system for printing
labels and tags.
Note • Many printer settings may also be controlled by your printer’s driver or label design
software. Refer to the driver or software documentation for more information.