Print Operations
Adjusting the Print Width
12/8/2010 ZP 450 User Guide P1031442-001
Adjusting the Print WidthPrint width must be set when:
• You are using the printer for the first time.
• There is a change in me dia width.
Print width may be set by:
• The Windows print er driver.
• The five-flash sequen ce in Feed Button Modes onpage 56.
• Controlling printer operations with ZPL programming; refer to the Print Width (^PW)
command (co nsult your ZPL Programming Guide).
• Controlling printer operations with EPL Page Mode programming, refer to the Set Label
Width (q) command (consult your EPL Programmer’s Guide).
Adjusting the Print QualityPrint quality is influenced by the heat (density) setting of the printhead, the print speed, and the
media in use. Experiment with these settings to find the optimal mix for your application. Print
quality can be set with the Zebra Setup Utility’s ‘Configure Print Quality’ routine.
The relative darkness (or density) setting can be controlled by:
• The six-flash se quence in Feed Button Modes onpage 56. This will overwrite any ZPL
and EPL programmed darkness/density settings.
• The Set Darkne ss (~SD) ZPL command (consult your ZPL Programming Guide).
• The Density (D) EPL command (consult your EPL Programmer’s Guide).
If you find that the print speed needs to be adjusted, use:
• The Windows print er driver.
• The Print Rate (^PR) command (consult your ZPL Programming Guide).
• The Speed Select (S) command (consult your EPL Programmer’s Guide).
Sending Files to the PrinterGraphics, fo nts and pro gramming fi les can b e sent to the printer fr om the Mic rosoft Windows
operating sy stems by u sing the Ze braDesigne r Driver, Ze braNet™ Br idge or Zebr a®
ZDownloader found on t he user's CD or at www.zebra.com. These met hods are common for
both programming languages and the ZP 450 printers.
Note • Media manufactu res may have specif ic recommendations f or speed settings fo r your
printer and the media. Some media types have lower maximum speeds than your printer’s
maximum speed.